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From The Heart


In From The Heart, Photo Shoots

It was a chapter of my life I thought I was done with for good. But then in November I felt the Lord nudge me to pick up my camera again and start creating memories for others again like the old days. These past few months have been such a beautiful reminder of how God instills gifts in each of us and though sometimes we might need a break from using those gifts, when we embrace them again, there is so much more beauty yet to come from allowing the Lord to work through our uniquely designed gifts.  To all…

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In From The Heart, My Book

As divided as this country has felt in recent events, I think we can all agree on one thing: the year 2020 was a wild ride for all of us. A lot has changed from my last blog entry in early 2020 to now, so here’s a recap of the twists and turns that had me quiet on the blog this past year, and the exciting changes ahead. In a bible study with friends I was in at the beginning of last year, I remember a friend saying their goal was they wanted “clarity” because, afterall, 2020 is perfect vision….

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In From The Heart, Have A Little Faith, My Book

I haven’t been blogging lately as I’ve stepped back to see how this whole virus thing unfolded. In a time of international pandemic, sharing with you my journey to get a book published seems so frivolous and non-important, and it’s the last thing I want to fill up your inbox. Yesterday, while on a walk with my kiddos to get some fresh air, I asked God “What in the world is going on in the world right now?” I’ve seen all kinds of responses in my newsfeed to this virus from this being the end times to this just being…

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In From The Heart

A few things might look different around here.  I updated the look of this blog a little bit because we sold and moved away from the farmhouse that had inspired the last round of branding of this blog a few years ago. Life has slowed down for me in the world of blogging since Jackson arrived last year, because when God surprised us by doubling our blessing and I became a mom of #2under2 starting over all the sleepless newborn nights, I just couldn’t keep up blogging and had to learn to let go of some things. In making a…

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