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My Book


In My Book

Eek! What a beautiful response I received to my last blog entry announcing my upcoming book “The Ugly Cry: Hope For When Your Faith is Barren.” To all who left comments here and on social media and messaged me privately, my heart is bursting with your loving support. 💗 Just over 7 years ago, it was a stormy night when Stephen and I were briefly living in Nashville and I told him “I’m heading out to the bookstore.” “But why right now? It’s dark and storming out there,” he questioned. “Because that’s the exact condition my heart is in, and…

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In From The Heart, My Book

As divided as this country has felt in recent events, I think we can all agree on one thing: the year 2020 was a wild ride for all of us. A lot has changed from my last blog entry in early 2020 to now, so here’s a recap of the twists and turns that had me quiet on the blog this past year, and the exciting changes ahead. In a bible study with friends I was in at the beginning of last year, I remember a friend saying their goal was they wanted “clarity” because, afterall, 2020 is perfect vision….

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In From The Heart, Have A Little Faith, My Book

I haven’t been blogging lately as I’ve stepped back to see how this whole virus thing unfolded. In a time of international pandemic, sharing with you my journey to get a book published seems so frivolous and non-important, and it’s the last thing I want to fill up your inbox. Yesterday, while on a walk with my kiddos to get some fresh air, I asked God “What in the world is going on in the world right now?” I’ve seen all kinds of responses in my newsfeed to this virus from this being the end times to this just being…

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In My Book

When it comes to publishing a printed book, I’m learning there’s a few different routes you can choose to take. And here’s what I know at this point in the journey of my research on how someone can get their book published: Find a literary agent, who finds a publisher, who gives you some advance check to write the whole book idea you proposed, you finish writing the book, it gets published, it lands on book shelves, you go on book tours, the publisher takes care of the marketing for you and you become a living breathing published author. (The…

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