
The dreaded question.

It was a normal day, our lawn guy rang the doorbell to ask me something about the yard, then he asks me the dreaded question.

“So where are the kiddos?  You guys have been married for a while now, so when are the kids coming?”

On a hormonal day, this might have brought me to tears.  If. He. Only.  Knew… the hardship it has been trying to expand our family.  But this day, God did something to guard my heart and I smiled and simply said, “We’re working on it.”

Shutting the door, slightly annoyed, I knew deep down, I couldn’t blame him.  I know people have good intentions when asking, it’s how life naturally evolves.  First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage.  We’ve all been taught that song from a young age. But then sometimes, that part of the broken record keeps repeating at “then comes marriage.. skip… then comes marriage… skip… then comes marriage,” and 1 in 8 couples sit here frustrated because we just want to fix the broken record and continue on “and then comes a baby in a baby carriage.”  But sometimes, you just end up throwing the record player of life against the wall because it’s just not that easy for everyone.

In the media, I’ve been sooooo ecstatic seeing so many celebrities start opening up about their infertility struggles like Jamie King, Mark Zuckerberg, Gabrielle Union, Tyra Banks and Chrissy Teigen.  And while I may or may not be a fan of them personally, it’s been such a breath of fresh air that people with a spotlight are now putting a spotlight on the knock down drag out fight that infertility struggles are.  For a topic that is addressed so many times in the Bible, I’ve never understood why more churches don’t provide support groups or address this topic on Sundays, or why in general, it has been a topic that is so hush hush amongst friends and family members.

In this video below, Chrissy Teigen, says how rude it is to ask someone when they are going to have kids.  And to be honest, while I formed tears watching Tyra form tears in the second half the video, I have to say, as someone on the receiving end of this question all the time as well, I completely disagree with Chrissy’s response.


Let me explain why I disagree… yes, from a media point of view, I can imagine how frustrating it must be for her to be asked this question every time in every interview.  But there is a right and wrong way to ask.

I admit, when I was first starting out as a wedding photographer, I would ask my clients all the time “When do you plan to start a family?” innocently, because, that was just the normal thing I assumed would evolve after I photographed their wedding. I had no idea at the time how hard it was for some and how assuming that question was that every couple could or even wanted kids. But now going through infertility struggles myself, I’ve learned instead to ask to others:

“Do you hope to have children?”

Because the reality is, not everyone “wants” kids, I know some couples, it’s just not their desire and that’s cool.  And by asking “Do you hope to have children?” it doesn’t automatically assume that something is wrong with them if they don’t “want” to or expect anyone to know “when” it will happen.  And for those who are actively trying, by asking “Do you hope to have children?” it leaves it positive and hopeful, because, yes we who are trying all hope to, with every fiber in our being we hope our greatest prayers will be answered, and are still just trying to figure out God’s “when.”

And then there is the question, do you even ask at all?  Because like Chrissy said in the video above, when you ask the wrong person on the wrong day, you might get fireworks. But the reason I disagree with her response is because to those of us fighting this fight to expand our families, by your lack of NOT asking, especially for those that know we are trying, your not asking can appear more rude as if you don’t care about our struggle, or don’t acknowledge our struggle as real.  No, I’m not saying you should ask perfect strangers you just met because it crosses the nosey line, but if you have a loved one going through the grief of failed treatments, miscarriages, adoption failures, trying, trying, trying, by your not asking, we assume you don’t care.  “But I don’t want to pry?” you might think, and even had a close friend say to me recently. “I know it’s a touchy subject, so I didn’t want to upset you by asking,” she said.  But as I explained to her, it actually upsets me MORE when loved ones don’t ask, because we don’t want to unload about the stress of it all on you if you don’t care to hear about it, so we just assume we won’t tell you unless you actually ask. We actually crave for people to ask about updates, because sometimes, we just need someone to vent to about how hard this journey really is.  But if you don’t ask, we assume you don’t care and we don’t want to burden you with this thing that drives us to points of craziness some days.

I can’t tell you the joy I get when a friend or family member reaches out simply to say they were thinking and praying for me about this topic and then go on to ask if there are any updates.  It’s a beautiful feeling to know, wow, they cared enough to send a note in the middle of their busy day to let me know, I’m not alone in this fight.

Because if that’s one thing this struggle does, it makes you feel alone.  As you look around at all your friends getting blessed sometimes multiple times while you continue to wait for your turn, it’s the whole last to be picked on the playground team feeling all over again. And some days, most days, we just want someone to reach out their hand, and say, “You aren’t alone. I’ve got you/I feel for you/I’m praying for you/Let’s go take it out on ice cream.”  Whether it’s the unexpected grief associated with infertility or grief of losing a loved one, the greatest gift you can give someone dealing with a significant loss in their life is by simply letting them know you acknowledge their grief. By this acknowledgement, it shows you care.

So if you are curious about when someone’s family life is going to expand, my argument is, when in doubt, ask.  Just rephrase the way you ask.  And if you already know a loved one who is trying, ALWAYS ASK.  And if you aren’t sure if you should ask, maybe ask them if they even like to be asked, or prefer not to be.  Because I know this is all simply my perspective of this journey and some choose to be more private.

The bottomline is, as my mom always says, “Whatever the question, love is the answer.”  And as long as you ask in love, you might bring more healing to a loved one than you know.

What are your thoughts?  If you are or have been down this road, do you like for others to ask you family expanding questions?  Leave a comment below and share your own perspective on this topic!



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“Lord, listen to my words.  Understand my sadness.  Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, because I pray to you. Lord, every morning you hear my voice. Every morning, I tell you what I need, and I wait for your answer.” -Psalm 5:1-3

Right now in Florida it has still been pushing a sweltering 90 degrees and I long for the days I feel a slight crisp in the air to catch up to that scarf/boot wearing season I see all the fashion bloggers rocking on my Instagram feed.

And in life, I feel the same general tug of being in one season ready to be in another season, but instead I have no choice but to just keep sweating it out.

In this season, yes I’m having a blast photographing senior girls, enjoying setting my own schedule, having freedom to go and come as I please, I’m really truly trying to take advantage of the whole sleeping in thing almost everyday, because, well, I can.  But at the same time, my heart longs for being woke up at all hours of the night to the cries of a baby I can nurture. To be that friend that is like “Oh I can’t hang out because my child comes first,” to stress about potty training and other things I see moms complain about on my newsfeeds and completely roll my eyes at when I honestly just want to scream “Do you know how blessed you are to HAVE that child you complain about?”

I really don’t want this blog to become all about my infertility struggles, but sometimes it’s such at the forefront of my mind, and I just need to vent about the realities of it being more than a “just relax/adopt/take a vacation and it will happen” thing. And I share posts like today because I know I’m not the only one struggling here, and well, this is the trial He has placed me in in this season to dig deeper in my faith through it all.  But as time goes on, it’s such a weird feeling to be stuck in one season while you see everyone else progress in life and meanwhile, I continue to wait and distract myself with other things until it’s God’s perfect timing. Because really, all they really are are distractions for the one thing my heart really desires. ::sigh::

It kind of reminds me of the prom. Junior year all my closest girlfriends got asked to the prom, except me (I know, woe is me, bring out the violin strings.). But while I could go shopping alongside my friends for the perfect dress and daydream about it, all I could really do is live vicariously through them that year, because, well, it just wasn’t my turn yet. That year, I continued to wait and hope that maybe next year I would get asked, and I indeed did get asked the following year, and because of it, I enjoyed the prom that much more Senior year. And I know, I just know, motherhood will be like that. I know with all my heart it will be worth the wait, and because of the wait I will have a greater appreciation for every single moment of motherhood. But in the meantime, I have my moments where I’m sure getting impatient.

So for all the moms out there who use your newsfeed to complain about how crazy your kids make you, just know there are those out there who would give anything to be a mom period, and we kind of don’t have sympathy for those complaints about your greatest blessing.

But then again after a few sleepless nights when my time comes, I’m sure one day I’ll be eating my own words. Because in the way I hear that you forget about the pains of childbirth, I’m really hoping that when the Lord blesses us with a child eventually whether through natural or adopted, that I too will forget about the pains of this waiting season.

I always like my blog posts to be inspiring and I feel that’s been half the reason why the lack of blog posts lately (and being insanely busy with senior shoots this summer), is because I’ve been in a state of not feeling very inspirational as I continue to struggle daily on this journey and question a lot of things.  As I continue to walk this journey of empty arms, my emotional state changes from one minute to another as I endure the highs and lows, and sometimes really low lows, trying to keep the faith, keep focused on the bigger picture, and do everything I can to make it through another day with empty arms (minus one adorable #poodlechild). It’s a constant battle of trying not to blame God, to not be jealous of every girlfriend who receives their blessing, and still enjoy everything I AM blessed with when some days all my heart can focus on is what is lacking. Some days that Christina Perri song comes across my Pandora that says:

“I can fake a smile

I can force a laugh

I can dance and play the part

If that’s what you ask

Give you all I am

I can do it

But I’m only human”

Most days that feels like my conversation with God when my heart is heavy. Most days this journey feels so unfair. Most days I’m learning to build my strength as I push through continued disappointment to still try to find the good in life.

Because I know, with everything in my heart, God IS still good and has good plans for us. Even when He’s silent. Even when our hearts desires are postponed. Even when His answer is no because He knows there is something better in store.

But for today, I’m only human.



Crossing the victory line in 2010 of the first and only marathon I will ever run!

Below is a video of the time 5 years I ran a marathon.

Let me repeat that… I, Scarlett Lillian, ran a marathon.

Those are words I never ever ever thought I would hear, but yet, I did it.  I actually did it.  I’ve barely run since that day 5 years ago, but I can say it’s something I marked off my bucket list.

Back when I ran the marathon, I did it in memory of my dad who passed exactly one year to the day before the race.  I also did it honor of my mom and Grandma who are both breast cancer survivors.  But I also did it for every loved one of someone who left a comment on my old blog or donated to the money I raised to run the race.  I knew if I was going to cross the victory line, I had to make the race more than about myself, but for other people.  That’s what gave me the drive to keep pushing through the pain when it got to that point in the race that I wanted to give up.

After not watching the video since I blogged it back then, recently I decided to rewatch it.  I knew it was a season where I needed to be reminded of the great and powerful things God and I accomplished together, because, as not a natural runner, I know it was only through His strength that I was able to accomplish it.  I simply needed to be reminded that yes, I have had that kind of victory in my life.  I knew back then, if I could run a marathon, in the future, I was capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

As I rewatched the video now all this time later, I cried partially remembering how much physical pain I was in, knowing it was nothing compared to the pain my dad was in in his last days before lung cancer took his life.  But this time around, a floodgate of tears opened at the end of the video thinking of the all the unexpected pain the race to motherhood has caused me the past 4 years. Watching the marathon video, I feel like it was God’s way of saying, “This race was only the beginning to prepare you for the greater marathon ahead.”  And ever since finding out years ago that we would have struggles to start a family, I sure feel like I’ve been on a never ending marathon in my faith.  So many highs and lows, so many numbing moments, so many “I can do this!” hopeful moments that quickly change to “I just want to give up” deep depressing moments. And now, similar to the marathon, I’ve got all these miles behind me and I just want to see the dang victory line.  I can’t see the victory line just yet, but I KNOW it’s there because people tell me it’s there up ahead!  However, for right now, all I can see is the huge hill in front of me, like my marathon race had at the end of the last mile we had to climb before crossing over the finish line.  Right now, life just feels stuck in “all I see is the huge hill” mode when I so desperately just want to see the finish line so I can know all this pain, all this numbness, all these tears will one day soon end.

Yet, that’s not how God works.  Instead, He gives us promises, He gives us hope through other’s stories, He gives us cheerleaders on the sidelines encouraging us and praying for us while He simply asks us to keep taking one more step… and another… and another step… and just one more.  And with each step along the way, He promises to be there with us.  To find our strength through our joy in Him, and Him alone.  It’s not about finding joy in crossing our finish line, though what a glorious victory that always is.  But… to simply find joy in absolutely nothing but… Him.

So meanwhile… I keep pushing forward.  I keep clinging to the faith that while I can’t see the victory line with my own eyes, that through God’s promises and the beautiful stories you tell me of your own struggles to start a family that ended with a happy ending against all odds, that the victory line IS there. So thank you for being a cheerleader on my sidelines keeping me reminded of God’s goodness, and keeping me covered in prayer as I continue this marathon race toward motherhood.

I apologize ahead of time for the motion sickness moments in this video, but I do hope you’ll watch it and celebrate crossing the victory line with me in the end! And because so many of you still with me were blog followers back then, can you leave a comment and tell me if your loved one was someone I ran for back then?  I had dozens of names on my t-shirt I was running for from blog followers, and I would love to know if any of you are still with me today! 🙂




“I wait for the Lord to help me, and I trust His word.” -Psalm 130

“The Lord wants to show His mercy to you. He wants to rise and comfort you. The Lord is a fair God, and everyone who waits for His help will be happy.” -Isaiah 30:18

“I will look to the Lord for help. I’ll wait for God to save me; my God will hear me.” -Micah 7:7

“So do not lose the courage you had in the past, which has a great reward. You must hold on, so you can do what God wants and receive what He has promised.” -Hebrews 10:35-36

There’s a saying that says “The only constant is change.”  Well, in my book, it goes more like “The only constant is waiting for change to happen.”

If there’s anything I’ve found is a constant in my walk with the Lord, it’s that most often He requires me to wait.  He made me wait until I was 30 to get married.  And now I sit here playing the waiting game all over again as we wait for His perfect plan to grow our family 4 years into marriage (though this new season of waiting has felt like an eternity).

But it’s not just me, it’s everyone I look around and see.  We all seem to have something in our lives that is a desire of our heart, something we wish we could have yesterday, yet here we are, playing the waiting game.

I think about a single girl friend of mine who texts me all the time to give her encouragement while she longs so much to meet her husband and is tired of waiting for him.  And most days she wants to settle, or give in to the ways of the world, because it’s just so hard to take a stance and go against the norm to say, “Nope, I’m waiting on God’s best.”

I think about my cousin who is the mom to two autistic toddlers.  She never imagined she would be that mom who hears the “a” word about not one but two of her children, yet here God has chosen her to fight this battle not only for her own children, but for others who are so desperately in need of further research for a cure.

I think about my mom, who is already a survivor of breast cancer, but just a few years later lost her husband and life partner to lung cancer.  And now she sits and waits wondering if another love will ever be a part of her story again in her later years.

And all my sisters in Christ I have met along this journey of infertility struggles.  Each month we all wait. We wait with hope and faith, though most days we feel like we lack both as the waiting season gets longer and longer.  We learn to expect in faith good news before we are actually physically expecting, only to be reminded, their is still more waiting to do as God tells us another “not yet.”  We often give in to the impatience with tears of discouragement as it feels most days this wait will never end.  Can I just say I totally understand why Sarah laughed when God finally told her in a year that she would have a son?  All she ever knew as her reality for 90 years was how to wait, so I don’t blame her one bit for her “yeah right” laugh when told the news it was now finally her turn to become a mother.

So how do we get through the waiting?

I’m not sure I’ll ever have the perfect answer… as patience is not my strong suite.  But as I push forward, my answer is simply to be teachable as I wait.  As much I wish I could fast forward to that part of the story where the stork drops a baby in my arms, I’m striving to be open to the lessons God is teaching me through my waiting season.  Because it’s these seasons that are uncomfortable when God stretches our faith and teaches us to rely completely and solely on His ways over our own.  God can do more with your waiting on Him than He could ever do when you are in control of your own doing. I have come to peace with knowing there are simply some things He wouldn’t have been able to teach me had I become a mom right away. Through this season I’m learning more things to teach my future child so that as they grow up to mature in their faith asking all the deep questions about Who God is and His goodness, my answers will have more experience and conviction to confidently say, I have been through the fire and despite how hard life can be, I learned YES, HE IS ALWAYS GOOD!

God shows Himself the greatest through the trials.  It was by throwing Daniel in the lion’s den that God showed His mighty power to calm the fiercest of animals.  It was by throwing Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in a fiery furnace that gave the entrance to the Holy Spirit literally appearing and keeping them from having one burn scar on their bodies.  It was by facing the giant Goliath with nothing but a slingshot and a stone, that God proved victorious through an ordinary man named David.  It was by Joseph being betrayed by his family and serving in prison that God used that season to prepare him for royalty.

Trials are how He still makes His presence known in this current day and age.  And there is no trial without waiting.

God refines us in the waiting.

God teaches us in the waiting.

God changes our hearts in the waiting.

God brings new friendships in the waiting.

God draws us closer to His heart in the waiting.

God helps us learn more compassion and kindness for others also in the waiting.

We must to cling to that, knowing God says He is good to those who wait, because it is the waiting that is actually good for us and molds us to be more in His image. (Lamentations 3:25)

For those of you who are waiting for God to move in big ways, I want to pray for you today.  Will you leave me a comment below and let me know:

1) What are you are waiting on?

2) One character trait you to hope to learn better through your wait?

And in the meantime, a friend recently sent me this song, and it was so beautiful I just had to share it with you today.  I encourage you to turn off all distractions and have a moment of worship where you are right now and close your eyes and listen to this song soaking in this truth.
