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My Journey To Motherhood


In My Journey To Motherhood, Photo Shoots

When I stepped away from photography for 4 years, the one thing I regret is that I let my burn out stop me from photographing my own children. While we still hired other photographers to document our family photos, I never once picked up my own professional camera just for fun to document all the “blink and you’ll miss it” details of my children the past 4 years. While sure, I had my iPhone for a quick fix, nothing replaces the beauty that only a professional camera (and artistic photographer) can capture. Now that I’m accepting new photoshoots again, to…

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In My Journey To Motherhood

When God was calling us to adopt the first time (and again, the second time so quickly after the first time), the title of this blog post was my initial question back to Him: “But how in the world will we be able to afford this adoption?” From some initial research, I became a little mind blown that some adoption fees cost more than some people make in a year, and I just couldn’t wrap my brain around: WHY it costs so much HOW people could afford it. But I knew so many people DID find ways to make it…

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A Letter To My Daughter On Her 1st Birthday.

In My Journey To Motherhood

My Dearest Bara Faith, One year ago today you surprised us with an early entrance into this world, and from day 1, you’ve shown me a fighting strength through your tiny 5 pounds 7 ounces that though she may be little, she is fierce. As we celebrate your first year of life, we are so grateful that your story begins with choosing life.  From the moment God created your life, He has loved you and He has set you apart so that you can fulfill His beautiful plans to be a world changer.  In just one year your life story…

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In My Journey To Motherhood

“And after you suffer for a short time, God, who gives all grace, will make everything right. He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling. He called you to share in his glory in Christ, a glory that will continue forever.” -1 Peter 5:10 After all the tears I cried for 5 years not being able to conceive my own child, God has now doubled our portion and restored our hearts beyond what we could ever expect through adoption. We are excited to share that Bara Faith is going to be a big sister! But…

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