
Something hit me hard with this past home move in November.  In the midst of packing, unpacking, trying to clean out things we don’t need anymore, figuring out how to decorate the new house, all the overwhelming decisions…. all of a sudden, I realized, I don’t want to decorate for a job anymore.  I really enjoyed decorating for my own home, but once I got settled, I was done.  Finished.  Didn’t want to keep thinking about it.  For my own home, or for others.

So I found myself in this weird place. I retreated from social media and blogging and email for a while to take a breather and say “Great, now what?”  I knew I had just launched my decorating blog last fall, and here I was already over it.  I launched it because I liked decorating for a hobby, and others were asking for my help to help them decorate, so I thought, why not turn this hobby into a job?  And I took on a handful of projects in the beginning, and while yes, enjoyed thinking outside the box for those projects… something about actually going for it just stirred this huge thing in me that said, “I did it, I tried it, but I just want to keep this as a hobby.”

And back to “Great, now what?”

The past few years have been a few years of exploring other interests between decorating and my online fashion boutique I tried out.  I’ve been in this weird phase of trying to run away from photography, because it too became that hobby I once loved to then becoming a “job” and slowly over time losing that passion which once stirred inside of me.  So last year, the hubby and I retired cold turkey from everything related to photography.  We no longer took on any more bookings, as hard as that was to turn away jobs, because I was simply burned out and needed a break.  All throughout the year, people asked me, “Do you think you’ll ever pick up your camera again?” and I was quick to answer “Nope, done with that career.”

But then in the midst of my recent “Great, now what?” I began thinking about picking up my camera again. And this shocked me.  I truly thought I was over and done with it. But as I explored the possibility, and prayed about what’s next, all I could think about was one genre I always wanted to pursue more and never really had the time to dive into it.  High school senior girls.  Those shoots were always my favorite because I loved passing along the gift of confidence through my camera to these girls about to set out to conquer a brave new world ahead of them. And not to mention it’s like fabulous mini fashion shoots now-a-days! It’s a genre I always wished I could explore more, but we were always so busy with weddings and family portraits, though I am extremely grateful for the beautiful part of my past that they were.

So now.  I’m going for it. I’ve created a brand new website, Scarlett Lillian Seniors, for this new niche I will now be specializing in, and you can find my new online world as a Jacksonville Senior Photographer over at www.scarlettlillianseniors.com.

And because of it, I will no longer be blogging fabulous home decor ideas over on my decorating blog or taking on anymore virtual styling projects, but I’m sure glimpses of it will still pop up on my Instagram and maybe this blog from time to time if you’d like to keep following for inspiration.  I recently just posted a glimpse of how I decorated our new living room, and tagged all the stores I got everything at, so be sure to check it out!

With each new adventure I try, thank you to those who keep me encouraged that it’s not about failing to continue at whatever is it I try, but that it’s about failing to try is the bigger regret.  With all my creative interests, I am glad I choose to live a life that says “I did that!” vs always wondering “What if I tried that?” And though not everything may be the perfect fit, sometimes it’s the trying new things that make you appreciate the beauty of when things come back around full circle like photography is now doing so for me.






Oh my gosh, I have to pack up my office and move it to a new place because I have a new home to decorate! With the new month brings new changes and this weekend the hubby and I are packing up and moving again for what hopefully will be the last time this year… and for a few years to come!  Over the course of a year, between Nashville and Jacksonville, this will be our third move while living in a temporary situation until we found our new house back in Jacksonville, and I’m happy to say the house hunting is finally over and now I can finally unpack ALL my boxes very soon as not knowing where half your stuff is can be very stressful. 😉

So until I can get moved in and settled and get our own home decorated and sparkling again, I need to put a hold on the blog for a few weeks (oh gosh and add in the busyness of the holiday season coming up on top of that!  Ok, it might be a few months!).  But with a new home means lot of new decorating projects and lots more fun things to blog to inspire you with in the new year!  So don’t go anywhere.  Keep me bookmarked on your favorite list, and keep checking back, and maybe when I come back we’ll sit down for virtual cupcakes or something and catch up!

Until we can connect again…. All my best!  I’ll be back as soon as I can!




As I prepared this blog behind the scenes last month, I hinted on my Facebook that I was getting ready to launch something new.  Knowing it must look like I have career A.D.D. sometimes, as I nervously made the choice to try yet another thing now as a home styler, one of my church friends joked with her comment with a long list of things she’s seen me do over the years with a final, “as if all that wasn’t enough?”

When I read that, I paused, and laughed to myself, “Oh I haven’t accomplished THAT much.”  Then I reread the list… “Ok, maybe I have accomplished quite a bit.”  Yet, at the same time… it doesn’t feel like enough. No matter how old we get, no matter how much we’ve succeeded at, do we ever reach a point of feeling like we’ve accomplished… enough?

I often find myself comparing my life to the rich and famous who are my age like Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears… how can they be the same age, and already have their mansions and millions?  Or my high school friends who are accomplished lawyers or doctors or moms of three.  Some days I question, what would my life have looked like if I had stayed the conventional route of finishing my architecture degree, or married young?  Or became that pop star I once auditioned for back in the day of singing television shows before American Idol was cool?

“No matter how old we get, no matter how much we’ve succeeded at, do we ever reach a point of feeling like we’ve accomplished… enough?”

But then I remember… comparison is the thief of joy.  And my joy is ultimately found in the strength of the Lord.  And that it’s not fair to compare my behind the scenes to someone else’s highlight reel, because I’m sure, their behind the scenes is a lot messier than they let on (NOTE TO SELF: Remember Britney’s shaving the head to incident.. and that umbrella attack!  That’s one behind the scenes mess that made it to everyone’s highlight reel, and those mansions and millions are not worth that humiliation!)  To the outside world, my highlight reel might look impressive.  But behind the scenes, I have all the normal doubts, insecurities, daily battle of not comparing myself to worldly standards and struggling to keep myself grounded in my identity in Christ. Some days I succeed, some days I fail… some career choices I’ve succeeded at, some career choices I’ve failed.  Some life challenges I’ve succeeded at, some life challenges I’ve extremely failed.


I try.

And I’m learning… at least I try.  I know trying in and of itself is courageous.  Trying means, I refuse to settle for the ordinary.  Trying means I put my faith in going after that which I can not always see in front of me, but believe in it with all my heart is real. And isn’t that the root of what faith is really all about?

And sometimes, when I look back and think I haven’t really accomplished that much, I remember, just trying is sometimes the best accomplishment of all.




With my favorite boys, my husband, Stephen, and my poodle child, Rhett, sharing ice cream from a food truck.

My husband and I have started a new tradition called “S” days.  It kind of got started b/c we’ve always called ourselves “S&S” for Scarlett & Stephen. It usually consists of a lot of “sun, surf, & sand” here in Florida, but it also becomes a game of figuring out what else begins with “S” through out the day.  Like, when we went to the zoo, and our favorite part of the day was petting “stingrays”.  Or when we went to M Shack and got “shakes”. Or when we “strolled” around the St. Johns Town Center going “shopping” for new “sunglasses.”

In previous years of our marriage, we were business partners, and pretty much worked ourselves to death.  It got to a point where we realized, our business was running us more than we were running our business. While we enjoyed the season working together, as time went on, we simply craved to try the whole normal thing of simply being a married couple. Stephen now works a full time job doing tech stuff he loves where he is gone most of the day, and I’m starting this new chapter in interior decorating which has me up late at night in my creative zones.  We went from being around each other 24/7 to now only getting 2 days a week to truly spend quality time together, so we’ve made it our mission to use those 2 days he has off to squeeze in as much time together as we can.  Away from computers.  Away from checking in constantly on our phone.  We force ourselves to get out in the sunshine and explore new things.

“Sometimes the doing nothing together is accomplishing something.  And that something is fighting for our marriage, not letting the world’s distractions and busyness consume us and take over what we cherish most… each other.”

One reason we moved to Nashville last year was because we felt like Jacksonville didn’t have a lot to do. And when we made the decision to move back to Jacksonville, we said we were going to start finding new things to do outside our usual comfort zones and neighborhood.  And that we have done, and been pleasantly surprised how much this city truly has to offer!

Everyone has different love languages, and one that we have in common is Quality Time. It doesn’t always mean being busy together, sometimes it just simply means doing nothing together, side by side, hand in hand. Whether it’s doing nothing laying on the beach not saying a word. Or doing nothing laying on a blanket in a park reading books. Or doing nothing laying on the couch snuggled up watching a good movie. Sometimes the doing nothing together is accomplishing something.  And that something is fighting for our marriage, not letting the world’s distractions and busyness consume us and take over what we cherish most… each other.  We’re determined to not stop dating just because we are married.

And as seen above, “S” days are even better when my precious Rhett can join us!

Another way we fight for our marriage is praying together. I keep a book on my desk called “A Book of Prayers For Couples” that I open throughout the day and pray for Stephen while he’s away at work. And each night he covers us in prayer as we drift off to sleep. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him, hearing how he prayed, and his genuine love for Jesus. While God instructs taking Sundays as a day of rest, we now appreciate it more than ever and we’ve enjoyed turning our days of rest into “S” days.

Do you have traditions with your loved ones? Leave me a comment below and share with me what you love doing together!  And if you are in the North Florida area, what’s something fun you love to do? We’re always searching for new ideas to explore!
