
Sunday was one of those amazing family days for my little family. Working from home, I’ve been really trying to consciously not let myself go into my home office on Sundays, or accept photo shoots on Sundays, to take a truly allow myself a day of rest to enjoy this little family we’ve become.  Working from home, it is always tempting to “oh I’ll just go check my email, or do this one thing to cross off my work to do list” that then sucks me in for a few hours instead spending time with my family like I should be on days off or evenings.

And this past Sunday, was the perfect day. We went to church, came home and had lunch, I did a few errands, then ended our night at the beach with our church family singing worship by guitar and watching others get baptized in the ocean. It was a truly joyful day for us.

Then the next day, something happened that immediately tried to rob of us our joy. It was something so minor, something that shouldn’t have been a big deal but turned into one in our heads.  The more we thought and talked about it, the more it festered upsetting us more.  The more we gave into thinking negatively about this molehill it became a mountain. When finally, I had to say to Stephen, “We have a choice here.  We can dwell on this, or we can think about what a beautiful family day we had yesterday, and focus on the joy we felt that day before this other thing happened.”

Because, y’all, joy is a choice.

And God’s word tells us, even in the trials, we have that free choice to still choose joy. My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need,” it says in James 1:2-4.  Did you see how that equation evolved?  Choosing JOY=PERFECT & COMPLETE in the end.

Though the enemy wants to throw disappointment our way, and surround us in unwanted circumstances, the greatest combat we can do is tell him, “Despite this situation, I’m choosing joy.”  And that means, finding our joy in the Lord because that’s what makes us strong, He tells us in Nehemiah 8:10.  It can be hard to do when you just want to have an ugly cry sometimes, and by all means, sometimes that ugly cry is just needed.  But do it, get it out of your system, then move forward choosing joy even when you don’t feel like it. Because feelings are great followers but terrible leaders, and faith will always steer you in the right direction.Joy-Is-A-Choice


The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him, and he helps me. I am very happy, and I praise him with my song.” -Psalm 28:7

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.” – 1 Peter 1:8-9

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” -Romans 15:13

“Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD.” – Psalm 27:6


What circumstance are you dwelling on that you should be choosing joy about? What is one baby step you can take to turn your thinking around despite this circumstance?




To celebrate Bara Faith’s adoption, I threw a belated baby shower for her as a way for our closest friends and family to all come meet her and to welcome her into our family. I drew from the colors in her nursery (those pics to come soon!), but was also really inspired by Kate Spade’s overall branding and colors as I began to discover in all  my Pinterest searching.  I don’t know how I actually planned this in the midst of moving and adjusting to life with a newborn with little sleep, but somehow I pulled it off with the amazing help of my mother-in-law watching Bara Faith while I worked on planning, girlfriends helping to make the treats and food, Etsy, and lots of coffee! Getting this glimpse of party planning gets me so excited for all the birthday parties to come!

One fun thing I had was a hairbow station!  I provided separate bows to choose for headbands, hot glue, and tags for everyone’s name to make her her own custom hairbow she can wear as she gets bigger. It was fun to have something interactive people could do at the shower that had a lasting effect. Now it’s so fun using the homemade creations to coordinate with her outfits of the day.  Which by the way, if you are on Instagram, Bara Faith has her own Instagram account for all her outfits of the day, because after all, I was shopping in faith all these years for a baby girl, and I want to remember all the cuteness.  Watch her grow outfit by outfit by following along here!

Links are at the end of this post below the photos for where I got all the cutesy details!

Here’s the links to where I got a lot of her shower decor. All I have to say is, praise Jesus for the wonderful creation called Etsy! ha!

[wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”]

Diaper Cake

“It’s A Girl” Banner

Custom Onesie Cookies

Gold Tablecloth

Pink Table Runner

Table Tassels



[/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]Chandelier Cupcake Holders

Cupcake Bow Toppers


Dairy Glass Bottles & Straws & Gold Doilies

Water Bottle Design

Celebrate Coasters

Custom Baby Shower Sign Design (printed separately @







As we started to move into our farmhouse, I still couldn’t believe how God made it all happen. What seemed like such a far fetched dream getting this home was finally signed sealed and delivered, and I was in a state of bliss so excited to be moving in this dream home. After years of bouncing around from home to home, we finally finally had a place to plant roots, and I couldn’t wait for our daughter on the way at the time to grow up running around this acre and a half as she explored her way through her childhood.

But then a few days after we moved into our farmhouse, my worst nightmare happened. I was unloading the trunk of the car and I heard a rustle in the bushes.  Thinking it was a cute squirrel, I looked at the rustle and froze.  Absolutely froze. My eyes locked eyes on a huge long black snake about 10 feet away from me. My heart began to race in fear that my perfect little dream home was now tainted with a big black ugly snake crawling through our yard. “Oh great,” I said under my breath, “now I have to fear walking around stepping on a snake.”

But then I paused. And I shook my head and I shouted, “NO. NO, I will NOT fear.  I fought too hard for this dream home to live in fear. In the name of Jesus, Satan get thee from me. I know it’s you, just like you appeared to Eve as a snake. You can’t stand that God is being so good to us right now, blessing us with this home, and I will not let you rob my joy! I will NOT live in fear. Flee!”

If my neighbors heard me on the other side of the fence, they have been wondering who their crazy new neighbor was. But I didn’t care. God tells us in Proverbs 18:21, there is power in the tongue, and in Romans 10:17 that faith comes by hearing. And in order to let my faith be bigger than my fear, I needed to hear myself say “I will NOT live in fear”, not just think it.

And the other thing is, though Satan roams around like a thief in the night (John 10:10), God’s word tells us in Luke 10:17, we have the power through Jesus Christ to rebuke the enemy. He tells us in Ephesians 6:16, if we hold up the shield of faith, it WILL stop our enemy.  It will STOP our enemy. It. Will. Stop. Not just our enemy, but our fear as well. So these days, while my fear may still flare up from time to time in different situations that arise, I’m trying to actively choose in those moments to let my faith be bigger than my fear.

In the days since I saw the snake, though I know he may lurk out there, I have had so much more peace knowing he doesn’t have power to make me shake in my boots anymore. And while I was told he was the harmless kind, a snake is a snake, and that didn’t stop me covering the property in moth balls which I was told deters them. I call that faith in action, y’all! And I’m happy to report that I haven’t seen him since those moth balls were put out, praise the Lord! FaithFear


“The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.” -EXODUS 15:2

“Where God’s love is, there is no fear, because God’s perfect love drives out fear.” -1 JOHN 4:18

“But Jesus quickly spoke to them, “Have courage! It is I. Do not be afraid.” -MATTHEW 14:27

“So give yourselves completely to God. Stand against the devil, and the devil will run from you.” -JAMES 4:7


What is your biggest fear? Write it in the comments below, and then write a bible verse to combat it with next time your fear tries to make your heart race. Then memorize it and speak it next time your fear creeps up.


It always amazes me how sometimes God gives us the greatest blessings in the midst of brokenness. One Sunday, Stephen and I were running late to church, and we scooted into two seats next to this couple, Sarah & Daniel. During the service, Sarah and I started sniffling as we each began to cry listening to the message.  We began to share tissues passing them back and forth, and by the end of it, our shared tears led to sharing a meal later that day with these new friends who we now share life with.

Now Sarah & Daniel are celebrating their 2nd anniversary being married this week. Their wedding day didn’t allow a lot of time for a lot of photos of the two of them, so they were excited to make time for these new photos celebrating their love and laughter. “God knows exactly what you want and what you need,” Sarah said about her marriage. “And will give you that if you’re willing to wait.”

Here are some of the favorites from their anniversary session!