When I stepped away from photography for 4 years, the one thing I regret is that I let my burn out stop me from photographing my own children. While we still hired other photographers to document our family photos, I never once picked up my own professional camera just for fun to document all the “blink and you’ll miss it” details of my children the past 4 years. While sure, I had my iPhone for a quick fix, nothing replaces the beauty that only a professional camera (and artistic photographer) can capture.

Now that I’m accepting new photoshoots again, to warm back up to my craft, this past weekend, I asked my daughter, Bara Faith, to model for me around our farmhouse, so I could test out all my gear again since it had been so long. But, editing these photos, the mom in me had tears in my eyes looking at who she is, now, at age 5, wishing I had just picked up my camera in the previous years and not waited so long. It’s the little things like her little freckles that my iPhone never captured, that makes me want to just blow up a huge canvas of one of these photos so I can remember the sweetness of her 5-year-old freckles.

Even if you don’t hire me… HIRE. A. PHOTOGRAPHER. AT. LEAST. ONCE. A YEAR. Because what they say about “don’t blink” is happening in front of my eyes and I just want to rewind time.

But even though it took me 5 years to get my professional camera on her, it’s significant to me on a deeper level because it was 5 years that I waited on her and prayed for her by name after God gave me a promise in 2011 that He was going to create a baby girl for me, and I was to call her Bara Faith. She arrived into my world in 2016 through the miracle of adoption, and though she is not my blood, she is the girliest girl and God couldn’t have designed a more perfect daughter for my heart. There’s so much more to our miracle story, that I even wrote a book called “The Ugly Cry” about my prayer journey to motherhood that was published earlier this year. If you are someone in a waiting season, or know someone who is, I invite you to check out my book over at

For now… cry along with me at these photos of my promised child.

About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!

2 thoughts on “MY PROMISED CHILD.

  1. What beautiful pictures! You are such a talent and I look forward to seeing more
    of your Daughter and Son!!!

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