If there’s anything I’ve learned in my 40 years of life, it’s to never say never.

4 years ago I was burned out on my decade long photography career, and shut the door for good. Or so I thought.

I’ve used the past 4 years to explore other interests and career opportunities, focus on (finally!) becoming a mom after a long journey to motherhood, (finally!) publish my book, and just take a breather to explore who Scarlett Lillian was without being Scarlett Lillian the Photographer.

Yet… you’ve been so faithful. You’ve continued to reach out over the years and ask if I would make exceptions and still take on your photoshoots. And it’s crushed me each time I’ve said no. But, I promise, it wasn’t you, it was me. As a creative soul, I just needed that break to step back and regroup and embrace the new seasons God was carrying me into.

As I was nearing the end of that season, I remember one client telling me “You might surprise yourself and find your way back once the kids get older.” And kind of like Sarah in the Bible when she was told something that felt impossible, inside I laughed. “Nope, I’m done for good,” I thought. And I zipped up my camera bag and didn’t look back.

But then recently another past client posted a photo and when I saw it in my feed, my heart skipped a beat remembering that thrill of creating art. Wait… what just happened… was that excitement I just felt in my bones again? And within hours, another person privately messaged me about taking on their shoot. And routinely, I instantly said no. But then I stopped… and started thinking… what if I said yes? What if all of this is God’s way of telling me I’m not done using the gifts He has planted in me as a photographer? What if… there’s another chapter of Scarlett Lillian Photography still waiting for me to create memories for… you?

So I put a poll out on my Instagram to see if anyone would even be interested… and the response from you was overwhelming. I woke up the next day in tears at all the beautiful messages telling me to say YES to this new possibility stirring inside of me. You were way more excited than I truly expected. Some of you even privately messaged me to tell me you were waiting for this moment and willing to travel just so I could photograph you. (Anddddddd cue the tears…)

After spending time in prayer last week, I kept coming back to, how could I not say yes to all of this? Yet, I feel like I’m standing in front of this impossible mountain to climb. “But…” came my tidal wave of doubts… “if I open this door again, how in the world will I juggle this AND mom life? It’s all I can do to keep up with laundry most days on top of homeschooling on top of thinking about how I’m now going to make time for running a business again and doing photoshoots again.” (And cue the overwhelmed mom life sigh…)

But you… and all your humbling kind words about this forgotten gift of mine, you give me courage to take this leap of faith and start saying yes again and keep letting God make a way each step of the way where it feels impossible to try to do it all myself.

On Friday, I teased on Instagram that I was planning to make an announcement for TODAY about a pop up family portrait mini session day for you, but before I could release the sign up link today, behind the scenes, my DMs got flooded and the event SOLD OUT over the weekend before I could even make the full announcement today, along with more of you booking full sessions snatching up for my other weekends in November and early December! I’ve been so touched by the warm welcome back and all of your excitement, and just truly honored that after all this time, you still want me to photograph you and those who you love the most.

::Hold on while I wipe my tears, sniff sniff::

I am still squeezing in a few remaining full sessions now until the end of the year, so if you weren’t able to jump on something this past weekend, please feel free to reach out and we’ll figure out a new date to book your family’s photo session!

I look forward to seeing you again on the other side of my lens documenting the love and laughter that your family shares!

P.S. Also, for now, I’m not taking on weddings… but again… never say never… wink wink.

About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!

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