When it comes to publishing a printed book, I’m learning there’s a few different routes you can choose to take. And here’s what I know at this point in the journey of my research on how someone can get their book published:

  1. Find a literary agent, who finds a publisher, who gives you some advance check to write the whole book idea you proposed, you finish writing the book, it gets published, it lands on book shelves, you go on book tours, the publisher takes care of the marketing for you and you become a living breathing published author. (The dream! ha!)
  2. Finish writing the entire book hoping something will come of it, self-publish it, put it on Amazon, promote it to your network, hope people buy it after all your hard work and leave nice 5-star reviews about it on Amazon.

Both routes, sound equally intimidating. And I have no idea which route I should pursue.

Route #1 sounds the easiest, leave it to the experts… but is it truly that easy to even land an agent? Like what are the odds that someone will take me seriously to even consider my pitch? And pay me an advance that says “Here, we believe in you!”? And will the net profits and royalties to follow be worth it all after everyone takes their cut?

Route #2 gives me all the control. I like having control. I like having all the profits. But do I have what it takes to really market the heck out of this thing to make it worth all the upfront work of finishing the book, figuring out how to print it, marketing it, and all the logistical business headaches involved in the self-publishing industry. And will a real publisher ever consider it down the road once it’s been self-published?

So I’m at a standstill looking at this crossroads. And it’s been part of my delay in moving forward with finishing writing my book over the years. Because I just don’t know which is the better route to take.

But I’m doing my research on both sides, before I make any firm decision.

Years ago when I was a photographer, I self-published an industry related book, so that route feels more familiar.

But I’ve never been one to choose what’s comfortable. I’ve always tried to live my life saying ‘What IF?’ Like, what IF God has something bigger in store for me than I can not see with my own eyes?

And right now I’m staring down the path of “What IF I could actually land a literary agent? What IF that literary agent could actually land me a a real publishing deal? What IF one day, I could walk in a Barnes & Noble and see my book, like, *my* actual book, sitting on a book shelf next to the Beth Moore’s and Lysa Terkheurst’s of the world?”

And while staring at this crossroads, route #1 seems like the impossible path, because, hello, Beth & Lysa are so much cooler than me. But at the same time, I know that MY God is THE God of all things impossible. That’s the business He’s in.

And that’s part of why I love Him so much. 😏

Because He loves to challenge me to grow my faith through my challenging of Him to turn the impossible into possible.

Because that’s exactly Who Phillipians 4:13 tells me Who He is.

So I choose to believe it. And my faith keeps me walking down the narrow paths of impossibility on this great adventure He keeps drawing me into. And it’s the core of the very reason I have always loved this song by Hillsong:

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders

Let me walk upon the waters

Wherever You would call me

Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander

And my faith will be made stronger

In the presence of my Savior