A few things might look different around here.  I updated the look of this blog a little bit because we sold and moved away from the farmhouse that had inspired the last round of branding of this blog a few years ago.

Life has slowed down for me in the world of blogging since Jackson arrived last year, because when God surprised us by doubling our blessing and I became a mom of #2under2 starting over all the sleepless newborn nights, I just couldn’t keep up blogging and had to learn to let go of some things. In making a few updates to the blog, I realized I didn’t even have any photos of him on my blog in the year that he’s been here (#momfail).  As much as I like to think I am Superwoman, I’ve realized very quickly with two toddlers that I am nowhere close, and I just simply can’t do it all. (And to all the mom bloggers out there who do blog frequently, you are officially Supermom in my eyes because I don’t know how you do it all.)

Now that we are moved into our new house, I’m going to officially take some time off from blogging to reevaluate some new dreams stirring in my heart and take time to simply be still and know that God is God.  With the energy of toddlers swirling around me all day every day, I don’t take enough time these days to do just that… be still.  And listen to where He is leading me next.  Some days I just want nothing more but to be a stay at home mom, and other days, I still have so many #girlboss dreams and gifts I want to fulfill. So it’s my time to step back from all the things that distract me, and lean in a little closer to Jesus’ heart so that I can understand my own.

“Be still and know that I am God.”

-Psalm 46:10

I’m still active on my Instagram though, so you can stay up to date with me over there! Forewarning, I post way too many stories of my kids and all their cuteness.  You’ve been warned. 😜 But I’m also starting to post new photos of how I’m decorating our new house, so I promise there’s more to my feed.

What once started as a blog to share my photoshoots as a photographer, turned into sharing personal stories about life and faith, turned into adding a little bit of fashion and home decor and leading into our adoption story as I journeyed through the waiting years to become a mom. The other day an online friend told me she has been following my different blogs for 13 years, that she feels like she’s watched me grow up, and it blows my mind that it’s been that long that you and I have journeyed together sharing our hearts across this world wide web.  The world of blogging has really changed in all of that time, and I’m honestly not sure I want to continue doing it when it’s just way easier to update my Instagram.  I might be back in 2 months, I might never touch this blog again, but for now I’m giving myself permission to say, it’s ok to let go of what once was to explore the possibility of what could be. For those who are still here with me reading this, thank you for being a part of my constantly changing world.

Photo by Meredith Black