
To celebrate Bara Faith’s adoption, I threw a belated baby shower for her as a way for our closest friends and family to all come meet her and to welcome her into our family. I drew from the colors in her nursery (those pics to come soon!), but was also really inspired by Kate Spade’s overall branding and colors as I began to discover in all  my Pinterest searching.  I don’t know how I actually planned this in the midst of moving and adjusting to life with a newborn with little sleep, but somehow I pulled it off with the amazing help of my mother-in-law watching Bara Faith while I worked on planning, girlfriends helping to make the treats and food, Etsy, and lots of coffee! Getting this glimpse of party planning gets me so excited for all the birthday parties to come!

One fun thing I had was a hairbow station!  I provided separate bows to choose for headbands, hot glue, and tags for everyone’s name to make her her own custom hairbow she can wear as she gets bigger. It was fun to have something interactive people could do at the shower that had a lasting effect. Now it’s so fun using the homemade creations to coordinate with her outfits of the day.  Which by the way, if you are on Instagram, Bara Faith has her own Instagram account for all her outfits of the day, because after all, I was shopping in faith all these years for a baby girl, and I want to remember all the cuteness.  Watch her grow outfit by outfit by following along here!

Links are at the end of this post below the photos for where I got all the cutesy details!

Here’s the links to where I got a lot of her shower decor. All I have to say is, praise Jesus for the wonderful creation called Etsy! ha!

[wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”]

Diaper Cake

“It’s A Girl” Banner

Custom Onesie Cookies

Gold Tablecloth

Pink Table Runner

Table Tassels



[/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]Chandelier Cupcake Holders

Cupcake Bow Toppers


Dairy Glass Bottles & Straws & Gold Doilies

Water Bottle Design

Celebrate Coasters

Custom Baby Shower Sign Design (printed separately @





About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!

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