
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers & sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.”

Sometimes I feel like as a Christian, our greatest challenge is doing what the verse above says. Choosing joy in the midst of the trials life throws our way. I certainly haven’t mastered this in my own faith yet, but God has been leading through a season in the wilderness to refine me and test me as He continues to shape my heart and help me walk by faith to His promised land that I know is waiting in a future chapter ahead.  I’m trying every day to put my trust in God’s plans over my own, because I know He promises us that He has good plans and a good future for us (Jeremiah 29:11), and because of it, I cling to that with all of my heart as I strive to choose joy in the trials. The past 4 years, there has been something going on behind the scenes for Stephen and I that has tried to rob us of our joy, and today I’m ready to open up to you about it.

If you’ve been with me for a while from the beginning of my blogging days, you know I’ve been through my share of highs and lows.  My years spent traveling the world as a wedding photographer, getting published in dozens of wedding magazines, meeting the love of my life, getting married, were all definitely big highs.  And then the lows… Years ago I used to have more courage to write about the lows, and you were so gracious to pray alongside me as I shared about the hard things of life such as heartbreak, my own breast cancer scare, and ultimately losing my dad to lung cancer in 2009.  I’ll forever be indebted to your kindness you showed my faither as you showered him with hundreds of comments on my previous blog and the beautiful cards sent from my internet friends around the world in his last days before going home to Heaven.

You never think in your 20s you are going to be “that” kid who loses a parent so early to cancer.

And with what I’m about to open up about for the first time in depth on the internet, I’ve been struck again with the whole “you never think you’re going to be that person….” scenario.

Or in our situation, “that” couple.

Losing my dad was definitely one of the hardest things I’ve gone through and a season of grief I never wish upon my greatest enemy.  No child should ever ever lose a parent so early in life, and as someone warned me back then, missing them doesn’t ever really get better with time.  I miss him dearly every single day and 6 years later, still have dreams of him as if he was still here and I always run up and give him a huge hug as if I just haven’t seen him in a while.

But the past 4 years, I’ve been dealing with a deeper kind of grief.  This time, it’s over someone I may never get to meet.  It’s a grief that is repeated every month, and a quiet grief not a lot of people understand.  In this society, it’s usually a hush hush topic whispered amongst those who run into each other at frequent doctor’s appointments, or in private forums, because I’ve found people just don’t talk about it much in everyday life… or at least, because it happens so easy for some, most don’t understand the depth of the heartbreaking pain that occurs when it doesn’t happen that easy for others.  And it’s a grief that is repeated every… single… month.

This is the part where I want to hit the delete key and not share the rest of this blog entry with the world because this is a topic that has caused Stephen and I a lot of tears over the years, and I have failed miserably along the way at always having joy in this trial as God’s word commands us above. Butttttt I’m moving forward with sharing this because I know on the other side of this computer screen is someone else who is going through this same struggle, and needs to know they aren’t alone in their pain. So if you are that someone, you give me the courage to now speak up.

So this thing that I’ve held back from talking about for a few years… here goes…

Ever since I was a little girl playing house and caring for my baby dolls, I have wanted one thing so much, and that was to become a mother.  When Stephen and I were dating and daydreaming about the future, “our” plan was to be married for a year then start growing our family… but you know the saying, when you make plans, God laughs.  Stephen and I just celebrated being married 4 years, and unfortunately, this greatest desire of my heart has now become the greatest heartbreak of my life, as Stephen and I are “that” couple who have been told we will never be able to have our own children without the help of very expensive fertility treatments, which aren’t even a guarantee… and to date, we currently have endured one failed treatment cycle at the end of last year. (Hence, what this Instagram post was about back then.)

Yet… Despite the negative news doctors have told us, despite the science and biology that is not in our favor, and despite the ongoing heartbreak, we are still choosing to believe God will keep His promise He gave us many years ago about having a family that has also been prophesied by others in our church family, and that we WILL one day have a child in whatever way they arrive.  And though most days this wait gets the best of me, I’m not letting go of His promises. If there’s any lesson you can learn from the Word of God, it’s that we know He is a God of turning the impossible into possible and our hope is put completely in Jesus as our Savior as we wait for His story of our growing family to unravel.  And while this has been the hardest faith trial of our lives and marriage, as the verse above says, we are trying with everything inside of us to continue choosing joy despite ongoing disappointment, as we continue to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Ok… deep breath… there, after so many years holding back, I finally said it… moving forward.

Over the years I’ve said I will wait and open up about this once I know how my happily ever after turns out.  After I have children in my arms.  But in that way God nudges you to do the things you don’t want to do to help you walk through fear AND help others, He has been nudging me to not wait until the final chapter is revealed, but open up now in the middle chapters.  In this season, now, where I don’t know how it’s all going to end up but am holding on to hope for dear life despite the hardship.  Because in this season where the real struggle lies, it’s where strength is built.  It’s where faith is grown… it’s where we learn to rely not on what God gives us, but to lean on God, and God alone.  And this in-between of hopelessness in x, y, z circumstance is where most people reside and need to know they aren’t alone in trying to knock their own curve ball out of the park that life threw their way.  We each have something we are going through that stays off the highlight reel of our newsfeeds, a trial that tries to rob us of hope and joy, a cross we are carrying, and well… infertility struggles have become mine in this season.

I’ve also held off writing about it before now because the first 4 years, I’ve been in a wilderness season of going through all the deep stages of grief:  Disbelief.  Anger.  Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance.  And I needed time to process all of it and work things out with God as I took most of it out on Him.  I’ve always used my social media to inspire others for His glory sharing whatever inspiration I could, and when days hit where I just couldn’t turn off the tears or get out of bed so broken from this fight, I knew it was best to stay quiet until He had moved me into a place of healing and peace that I now feel I have moved into.  This is the last thing I ever wanted to be a poster child for, but, this is a trial He’s taken me through to teach me things I might not have been able to learn otherwise. And if I can somehow use my pain I’ve endured to help encourage others out there on how to find hope through life’s disappointments, then maybe that’s a glimpse of His purpose in it all.

A few things I want to address upfront.

  1. I know it could be so much worse.  I know there are others struggling with much greater health issues, and I in no way want to minimize their pain, or elevate mine.  My goal is to simply open up about this genre of a medical condition that does bring a lot of pain and hopelessness to 1 in 8 couples who are actively trying to have children and quietly suffer with infertility. In the similar ways people grieve over a loved one’s life ending, many couples grieve over this struggle to begin a life of a future loved one, knowing ultimately we have no control because God is the giver and taker of life.
  2. Yes, we still have options available to us, including more fertility treatments or adoption, which we are currently on pause with both. Adoption specifically may or may not be the conclusion to our story that God is writing through our journey, and a few years ago we briefly pursued it, but as someone who desires to have her own biological kids, I’m not quite there yet when it comes to the topic of pursuing adoption again. I continue to be told and witness beautiful stories of adoption, and I am always praying for God to open that desire in my heart greater should that be His will for our family.  In the meantime though, while I and others struggling to have kids cherish your encouragement, please keep in mind to not assume for myself or others that “just adopt” is the band-aid to fix the solution. And unfortunately, with our past experience, it’s not as easy to adopt as you might think.
  3. Overall, I’ve experienced a lot of healing in this recent season, but I’m always still struggling with picking up the broken pieces as the cycle repeats each month.  One day I’m good and peace with it all, one day, I see something baby related and I’m a crying mess all over again. One day I can be happy for a friend, one day I’m battling envy over another pregnancy announcement and swearing to never go on Facebook again.  I’m definitely not all healed and perfect over this topic, but I’m also trying to be open to being moldable with whatever way God wants to use the broken pieces to purify my heart and create beauty from the ashes.  So thank you for your grace and understanding that I’m a work in progress as I continue to share about my experience with this ongoing journey here in future blog entries.

My main goal in opening up about this topic on the blog is to create awareness that infertility is more than a “just relax and it will happen when you least expect it” subject.  It is a serious medical condition for so many couples, and a financially draining one as well, and when you add hormones to the mix, whew, sometimes you get nothing but an explosion!  My greater mission with opening up about all of this is to hopefully leave others encouraged who are privately going through this same struggle and feel as if no one “gets” their pain.

If you are a sister going through something similar, I’m here to tell you, I “get” it, trust me, the past 4 years, I’ve been through every possible emotion.  Anger.  Hope.  Jealousy of others.  Joy for others.  No faith.  Big faith.  Believing believing believing.  A tidal wave of doubt.  And more doctors appointments than I ever imagined it would take.

I have so much more to say in future blog entries.  And I’ve even started writing a book in progress of my journey to find hope and faith and through this journey that has tested everything I believe in, yet has deepened my faith more than anything else ever could.  Who knows if I’ll ever actually publish it… but in the meantime, I want to use my blog to start a conversation and bring light to this dark struggle a lot of people feel ashamed or embarassed to talk about.

With that said, while I welcome your kind comments on these blog entries, if you are also going through this, I don’t expect you to publicly comment because I know this is a delicate and private topic for many.  So if you don’t want to comment publicly, I do welcome your private emails.  You can always share your heart with me through my contact form!  I read every email and promise to write back. I look forward to hearing the details of your story and I would love to know how I can pray for you!

One thing I want to leave you with in this blog entry is a proactive tip for compassion.  If you know a friend or family member dealing with infertility struggles, please don’t take it personally if we have to decline baby showers or untag ourselves from baby related Facebook posts. Somedays it all we can do to muster a congratulations to yet another loved one it happened so easily for. However, please continue to ask us how we are doing on this journey. We often don’t open up about this topic to many others because we feel like we don’t want to burden others with continued disappointment, but when you ask us how we are doing, it really means a lot more than you know to know that you acknowledge our ongoing heartbreak in this area.  And if your loved one decides to open about the reality of how hard all of this is really is, the best thing you can do is agree with them is that this trial is excruciatingly hard, and offer a hug or shoulder to cry on, or simply an ear to listen. Also, respectfully refrain from giving your opinion of what we “need” to do when really we have absolutely no control over what we can do other than keep trying.  The greatest thing you can do for a friend or family member is offer your prayers and let them know you are standing in the gap of where their faith is lacking in that moment.  Every month is a constant roller coaster of “will the desires of my heart to become a mom be fulfilled THIS month?!?!” only to come crashing down most months, and the greatest gift you can give us is your compassion as we restart the cycle again of learning to let go of our heart’s desires… again… and trust God has a greater purpose in this delay to become a mother.

Also, if you do know someone going through this, will you pass along my blog to them? We cherish finding resources to help us get through the hard days, and when you send us stuff like that, it helps us know that you care and that you acknowledge that this struggle is real in our lives.

There are many different kinds of infertility your friend or family member might be going through…

There are those who are told it will never happen naturally.

There are those who have achieved a pregnancy yet continue to miscarry.

There are those who have carried a baby to only have it be still born. Or lost a child early on in their life.

There are those who have one child and struggle to ever conceive again when they long to have a big family.

No matter the circumstance, the pain and longing is still very real for those traveling this journey.

Lastly… to those who have been my own personal prayer warriors behind the scenes, and those who have shown great compassion over this tender topic, you know who you are, and I am eternally grateful for your friendship through this all. Thank you for continuing to love me in dark seasons where I struggled to still believe God was good in all of this. Your grace and friendship has meant the world to me as you kept me covered in prayer always shining God’s light and promises into my life when my heart was broken.

And to everyone reading this, thank you for reading my words and allowing me to open my heart to you once again.  This is just the beginning of what I feel is going to be a beautiful journey with you as we wait expectantly together for God to move in a powerful way, and thank you for standing in faith with me that this will end in a beautiful victory one way or the other. And I want you to know, virtual friend or real friend, I cherish your friendship and prayers along the way.

Before you go, I invite you to view this 15-minute video below.  I promise you, it will be worth the 15 minutes.  It is one of the most beautiful videos I’ve ever seen, and one of the only films I’ve seen that so accurately documents the real struggle infertility is for 1 in 8 couples, and more so, the struggle in faith to continue having joy in the trial.  After all their years of hopelessness, in a single moment they realized that God was writing a beautiful story for them that was over 20 years in the making. And that’s my greatest hope in all of this, that God’s not done writing our story either.  Grab the tissues….


About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!

52 thoughts on “THE MIDDLE CHAPTER.

  1. 7 long yrs. i struggled with infertility friend! any time you need to talk, or just cry and know that the other person understands feel free to call me. xo (951) 377-3976

  2. Courage. That word screamed in my head as I read your story.
    I struggled for 4 years with infertility, I was due to start hormone treatments January 1994 and when I went to the Dr. I was pregnant. I’ve had 2 miscarriages and 4 lovely daughters.
    Keep the faith, I will be praying specifically for God to give you and S your hearts desire.

  3. Reading this as I sit in the fertility clinics office. We are now at 4 failed attempts, 1 miscarriage, and a lot of heartbreak. I just want you to know that I think it’s incredible that you’ve opened up like this. You are so very strong! I hope that you find peace and comfort and will be including you in my prayers!!

    1. Kara! Wow! Such crazy timing that you read this while in the fertility clinic. My heart aches for you over the number of failed attempts and miscarriage you had had. I’ve only endured one and it ripped my heart out, so I can’t imagine how much more hard it must get moving forward. Thank you for including me in your prayers and I too will be lifting you up. Just know, you aren’t alone on this journey, Kara, and you have my hand to hold through this if you ever need to chat more in depth. I’m just an email away! 🙂 Big hug!

  4. I am so proud of you for sharing and I’m excited for your future family life, no matter how it looks! Thanks for inspiring me to trust God even more! Your writing and that video are so moving! xoxo!

    1. EVA!! Thanks for being a cheerleader in my corner! I’m so touched that this can inspire you as well to keep your trust in the Lord. How are you liking California???? 🙂

  5. You are so brave and inspiring! This is such a big issue among so many people that isn’t really talked about. You are in my prayers! God can do anything!

  6. Hi Scarlett,

    It’s me Wendy! I know it’s been a while and you’ve had many clients since Jamal and I, but you were such a wonderful blessing at our wedding I wanted to reach out to you. We struggled too. I was given the label of “unexplained infertility” and told we had a 20% chance of conceiving WITH treatment. We decided to go through the first phases of injections and it was hard (putting it mildly). One nurse at the fertility clinic, while doing my sonogram accidently commented out loud that she doesn’t know how I’m going to ever get pregnant! She said that OUTLOUD! But you know what, I rebuked that spirit right then and there. I held fast Scarlett, it was so hard, I cried so much. But i kept holding fast to Gods word! One day my choir sang a song that became my war cry, He’s Able by Dietrich Haddon and voices of Unity. The most powerful line is “Don’t give up on God, cause he won’t give up on You, He’s able!!!” The doctors suggested exploratory surgery and eventual IVF when the other options weren’t working. Like you, and nothing against IVF, I chose to pause. It was the scariest choice I’ve ever made. I would like to say I was brave and bold and confident, but I wasn’t. I was scared and exhausted. But I wouldn’t give up on God, I just couldn’t. After all the years of faith and belief, I just couldn’t let go to the notion that God is able and he could do this. And He did just that, praise God! I don’t what God has in store for you, but the darkest hour of my life became my greatest testimony!!! Play the song, let it minister. I’m in your corner 100% praying that the same God who moved you at my wedding is the same God who reached into my womb, is the same God who will reach down his Almighty, Powerful hand and touch your womb, your marriage, your life and open it to whatever the miracle he has in store for your life! Hallelujah!

    1. Wendy, I’m in absolute tears!!!! I had no idea about this part of your story. But what a POWERFUL story. Though our paths don’t cross often, every time they do, God completely uses your life and your faith in my own life. I will never forget watching you and Jamal boldly lift your hands in worship together at your wedding ceremony, as I prayed that I could one day have that similar kind of love from a partner by my side who I could also raise my hands with in worship to our Lord. Your example then carried me through my wait for God to bring along that partner, and your example now carries me through my wait for God to bless us with a child. I am so encouraged hearing how God moved when you chose to be still. That gives me great hope!! Thank you sooooooo much for opening up about this today with me and standing in faith with us. Seriously, more than you know! I’ll definitely look up that song!! Love you girl! 🙂

  7. Scarlett & Steven,

    Many prayers for you both. Now and in the past. I do fully believe the 2 of you will be amazing parents on day. I don’t know how or the path, but I do believe that two souls that LOVE as much as you do NEED a child OR CHILDREN to love and care for. I love you both dearly and anticipate the day when I get the GOOD NEWS!!!!!


    1. Sweet Annie!!! We cherish your prayers and friendship, now and in the past! Thank you for waiting expectantly with us in faith that God’s still got great plans in store! Hugs to Easton and Emerson! Love you friend! 🙂

  8. My Sweet “Boo,”
    I still believe in miracles and thank God every day for watching over you and sending angels to guard your precious heart on this journey. It takes courage to keep the faith when you cannot see the light. It takes courage to walk through the fear of sharing your struggles. It takes courage to reach out and help others as you rise above your pain. I am proud of my courageous daughter. I am so glad you are writing from the heart and changing the world by letting love be the answer to all your questions.

    1. Thank you Momma for being there to wipe my tears each step of the way… and for being one of our greatest prayer warriors! Thank you for always raising me to boldly be courageous to walk through fears, and believing in me when I lacked belief in myself. 🙂

  9. It took me 4 years to get pregnant 30 years ago. I remember being so devastated. I wanted to be a mommy so bad. Thanks for sharing my new friend. Prayers will continue for you!

  10. So proud that you shared this. We’ve discussed this before by email, but I’m glad we spent 10 years trying to have a baby. No, the heartache wasn’t fun, nor was the enormous amount of money we spent on infertility treatments with the docs in Jax fun. But, what I learned about God and how much He loves us, made it worth it. We were led to adopt and have been overwhelmed with joy for the past 10 years. I pray God blesses the path He takes you on. Know that you are not alone! ❤️

  11. You are so, so brave for sharing this. My heart breaks for what you’ve had to endure. Know that you are in my prayers! p.s. I sent you a long email.


  12. Thank you for sharing! I’m praying for you and Steven. My husband and I are in year 4 of marriage and haven’t had the Joy of growing our family yet. We are currently in process of adoption and these past weeks have taken a toll on me emotionally and your words helped tonight to remind me to keep looking for the joy in the process. I shared the video a few nights ago and I cried through it entirely. As Jody shared, God is not through with you yet!!

    1. Melissa, oh gosh, yes from the brief time we pursued adoption, I know how emotionally taxing that is as well. I’ll be praying that God will make the path clear for you guys and give you great peace on your journey!

  13. Scarlett, thank you so much for sharing your story. I can definitely related having recently been diagnosed with PCOS, which can cause fertility problems. It’s not impossible, but it just makes things all the more difficult. But God has plans for us just like he does for you, so we just have to trust in Him. Praying for you and your hubby. <3

    1. Cristina, I’m sorry to hear you have PCOS, I’ve been hearing from so many others who have it as well, and it seems all too common these days. I know it might make things more difficult for you but like you said, I’m clinging to the bigger picture that God has bigger plans for all of us than we can even imagine at this moment in time. Thank you for your prayers and I’ll be praying for you in return! 🙂

  14. Oh my friend!!! This breaks my heart!!! Please don’t lose HOPE and FAITH!!! Before having Ayden.. I struggled to get pregnant for 5 years, to the point the doctors said, I couldn’t have any children. It’s the worse news any woman can bare!! I was depressed for a while… and even more when all my friends were having babies… one day I went to the dentist for a root canal and they gave me heavy antibioatics and bam! That boosted up my hormones and I got pregnant!! We found out December 26, 2009. Still NOW.. trying for baby #2, we are on 3 years of trying and we’re back to page one. May 2014 (mother’s day week) I had a miscarriage and Dec 26, 2014 had another one. Both hit me hard… but I’m keeping my faith in GOD that he will bless me with another child. Keep your head up my friend!! Sending prayers your way!! I’m here if you need someone to talk to… Love you girl!!

    1. Wow Amy, I had no idea!! I’m so sorry that you have such difficulty with #1 and ow trying for #2. Yes, I don’t think a lot of people get how devastating the news is for a woman to hear, and the great depression it causes, that no one seems to understand why we can’t just shake it off. But through it all, these are the trials that help increase our hope and faith, and I will definitely be lifting you up in prayer as you continue trying to grow your family more! Thanks for being someone I can turn to as well! 🙂

  15. Oh, sweetie. You’re not minimizing anyone’s pain or doing the wrong thing by sharing the “lows”. In fact, that is what I have (for years) loved about you. You’re not afraid to show the world your pains as well as your triumphs. I gave birth to a stillborn about 3 years ago. And it’s looking like my fiance and I probably won’t be able to have another due to a medical condition I’ve been diagnosed with. I’ve struggled with massive depression since then and just now, after 3 years is when I can finally talk about it without non-stop crying. When it happened to me, I felt so alone – like I was the only person on the planet who had ever experienced giving birth to a child they would never raise. Then I found out that there are millions of us “angel moms” all over the world. Those of us who have lost or can’t conceive – all of these heartbreaking scenarios that our wishing hearts are enduring. You and Stephen will be in my prayers and in my thoughts. Sending you so much love and strength ♥ And remember, you’re not alone!

    1. MISSY, I had no idea!! I’m sooo sorry to hear about your child being stillborn. I. Can’t. Even. Imagine. That must have been so difficult, and difficult being an understatement. But I’m glad to hear you found a community of “angel moms” to hold hands with and know you aren’t alone in the grief. I’m so grateful for your prayers for Stephen and I, and please know I’ll be praying for you as well as you continue to pick up the broken pieces of your heart as time goes on. Big hug!!!

  16. TEARS!!!! I’m sobbing at your courage and bravery that I KNOW it took to write these words. And these words will indeed be the flicker of light for others going through similar trials. You are NOT going through this for nothing, as you know God uses us to connect and reach out to each others hearts where we need it the most. I’m so incredibly amazed and inspired as well by your openness and vulnerability, as you “give others permission to do the same.”

    We are all so blessed to have you shining the lights of your gifts, illuminating your journey for us all….. Way to Go Scarlett!!! I’m so proud of you for writing this! 🙂 Love love love you!

    1. I love you cousin! You have been one of my greatest backbones in this season. Thank you for your great compassion, friendship, and prayers as you’ve held my hand and been a shoulder to cry on. You’re the sister I always had!!! 🙂

  17. I never told you this, because I wanted to make sure that God allowed me to tell you at the right time….

    For over a year when I still lived in Jacksonville I would make my morning commute from Oakleaf Plantation to UNF. Every morning I crossed the Buckman and every morning I sat 10-15 minutes in traffic on the bridge. I started a morning talk with God during that time in traffic and called it “Bridge to God” time. It was my time to give him thanks for all the glory He has given me and give Him praise. At the end of that time with God I always said a long prayer for you and Stephen, usually ending up crying at least once a week (I know it sounds super silly!)

    I continue to pray for you and Stephen and have faith that one day, God will bless y’all with a beautiful and healthy child. It may not be in His plan right at this moment, but I trust in His word that it will be for you.


    1. Elizabeth!!! I was in tears reading this. I just continue to be amazed how God works, and how He lead you to pray for me. I love the “Bridge To God! I’m gonna start doing that when I go over the Buckman! The tears you shared brought me to tears today because I just feel so humbled. I’m so glad you shared this now all this time later because hearing things like this just keep me reminded that He hasn’t forgotten me. I know YOU of all people have been through your own wilderness with health related issues and He has proven victorious in your life. You have set such a beautiful example in my own life to “never never give up” as you hold the sign in my gallery here on the website. By the way, have you seen that? I’ve got two photos of you in the “Hello Gorgeous” gallery above! Go look!! Even though we only met once, I hope you know your story has left such an impact in my life!! Big hug!!! p.s. You’re not in Jax anymore? Where did you move to?

      1. I love those pictures, they remind me of a time in life where I was at one of my lowest (health wise) and I was able to prosper into a young adult many years later. Thank you for those pictures and I feel incredibly honored to be in the gallery on your blog.

        Wil and I moved to Fort Walton Beach, FL. It is on the Northwest part of Florida instead of the Northeast. (Geographically speaking- it’s just 5 hours west of Jax) Wil found a great job in his career with a stellar company so on 4/3/15 we made the big move. It is such a smaller city than Jacksonville, but the beaches and water are seriously beautiful blue/emerald/crystal clear! I hope you’re well and I continue to pray for you here in FWB.

        1. Oh awesome about FWB! We have family right next door in Crestview and Destin! You definitely can’t beat those beaches!!! Thank you for your continued prayers and I’ll be praying for you guys too! 🙂

  18. Hi Scarlett,
    I’m Annie Manis – from the video you posted. My husband shared your blog post with me (he keeps an eye on where the Chloe video gets posted online, and sent me this link when he saw that you posted our story).

    I wanted to write a quick note here to just say how incredible it is that you chose to open your story up to share with others while you’re still in your “middle chapter”. We chose to do that along our journey as well, and while it was a very, very difficult thing to do, it was also a choice we made that yielded incredible fruit later… as our story began to unfold and we saw God bringing our daughter into our family. I think what you’re doing is so brave, and I’m really encouraged by your heart to share this struggle with others, and to allow others to walk it with you. I pray that God encourages and blesses many through this decision you’ve made.

    I also want to say that I resonated so much with what you wrote here. It feels unbelievable when you realize that you are the one struggling with infertility… something you never imagined would be a part of your story… and yet, here you are. I admire you as you fight for joy and fight to keep hoping in the midst of the monthly disappointment. I know that pain so well, and I also know what a challenge it is to keep flighting for hope and keep choosing joy in the midst of it.

    Although many days you may not feel like you’re “succeeding” in your pursuit of joy and hope, I just want to encourage you that Jesus sees every movement of your heart towards Him in the midst of this struggle. He sees your desire to keep hoping. He sees your pursuit of joy (even the tiny steps that feel so insignificant). He is so moved by this, and He is so full of love and compassion for you. He is so near to you in this heartbreak… even if/when He feels far off.

    I pray His grace over you as you walk this out. He has good things for you! Although it is impossible to know what those good things look like – I believe with all my heart that they are there… just up ahead!

    with love,

  19. Friend, I don’t know you but I know your story because it is also my own. A mutual friend (Amanda) sent me your blog post today because I posted a similar post just this morning. I remember being TERRIFIED when I shared with the world our fertility struggles a year ago. It felt like I was ripping out the most vulnerable part of my heart and sticking it on the internet for every to comment on and have opinions about. But I also know that God was going to use my story and the things I was learning to help others. And you know what, God blessed that bit of courage way more than I could have imagined. Friends came out of the woodwork sending me private messages of their own wounds and struggles around infertility. Instead of feeling alone, I felt like I had a team around me and could share with others what God says about having babies…cause He actually has a LOT to say about it. If you haven’t already, you should check out the book and website “God’s Plan For Pregnancy.” It blew my mind and showed me anew God’s heart for me and for babies. I can honestly say it was life-changing for me in my walk. I’ll be praying for you and your man in this monthly battle. We’re still in it too, believing that every month will be OUR month. God is good, He is reliable and trustworthy and true to His word. (Heb 11:11).
    You can read my story here:
    and check out that book here:

    1. Hi Alexis!! I was so glad Amanda told me about you! I have your blog entry link in my email to read when I have a good moment to really take it all in!! Thank you for sharing the link with me and for sharing your heart in return! All the things that you wrote above, that’s exactly what I’ve experienced this week and I’ve been overwhelmed at all the beauty that was created from the ashes through the new relationships and friendships being built from my simple words God used. Thank you too for recommending that book, I cherish when people share that kind of encouragement through a book that helped them! It’s so kind of you! Thank you for reaching out and I look forward to holding hands together on this crazy journey of faith!

  20. Hey there, just stumbled upon your blog via Instagram and wanted to show my support and understanding of your situation. I have been married for 3.5 years and struggling with infertility for all of those years as well. I am about to start my 4th IVF cycle in July. I can see you’ve had lots of people reach out to you with their stories, so I will spare you all the specifics of mine, but just know how important it is and what a major step it is to have shared this information about yourself. I also have an infertility blog, I stated it thinking I’d blog about pregnancy and babies 3 years ago but I’m still working on the whole getting pregnant part. I consider myself to be an advocate for infertility awareness and share my story where ever and whenever I can. Props to you for opening up about yours. It looks like you have a large following and the more we can get the word out and make infertility OK to talk about and not considered taboo, the better! Best of luck to you guys on your journey!

    1. Hi Elena! I’m so amazed you found me through Instagram, and glad you told me about the community for #ttcsisters on there! I will be praying for your upcoming IVF cycle! And I look forward to checking out your blog to learn more about your story too!! Thank you for all you do to create awareness about this huge struggle so many quietly go through. I look forward to keeping in touch as we hold hands through this journey!!

  21. Scarlett,

    I’m praying for you girl!!! It has been years since you and I have really connected and today I stumbled upon your blog. While I don’t really know what it is like to go through this, I have many, many friends who do, and quiet a few of them have amazing stories to tell with beautiful outcomes. Your faith in God has always inspired me and I’m praying for you. Big hugs from St.Pete!

    1. KENZIE! Hi friend! I know it’s been waaaay too long since we’ve connected but I’m glad we have FB to help stay in touch. Thanks for reading my blog about all of this and for all your prayers! Hug your little ones for me! 🙂

      1. I am! Full time! its crazy. I took a year off in 2013 and I was pretty sure I was done with it all, but God had other plans because after 1 full year away from it, I started to get my passion back. I see the world VERY differently these days and it’s all because of Him 🙂

        1. Ha ha that’s what happened to me in 2014. I really didn’t think I was going to pick up my camera again. Glad we both could could take a break to have a new appreciation for it all over again! 🙂

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