
With my favorite boys, my husband, Stephen, and my poodle child, Rhett, sharing ice cream from a food truck.

My husband and I have started a new tradition called “S” days.  It kind of got started b/c we’ve always called ourselves “S&S” for Scarlett & Stephen. It usually consists of a lot of “sun, surf, & sand” here in Florida, but it also becomes a game of figuring out what else begins with “S” through out the day.  Like, when we went to the zoo, and our favorite part of the day was petting “stingrays”.  Or when we went to M Shack and got “shakes”. Or when we “strolled” around the St. Johns Town Center going “shopping” for new “sunglasses.”

In previous years of our marriage, we were business partners, and pretty much worked ourselves to death.  It got to a point where we realized, our business was running us more than we were running our business. While we enjoyed the season working together, as time went on, we simply craved to try the whole normal thing of simply being a married couple. Stephen now works a full time job doing tech stuff he loves where he is gone most of the day, and I’m starting this new chapter in interior decorating which has me up late at night in my creative zones.  We went from being around each other 24/7 to now only getting 2 days a week to truly spend quality time together, so we’ve made it our mission to use those 2 days he has off to squeeze in as much time together as we can.  Away from computers.  Away from checking in constantly on our phone.  We force ourselves to get out in the sunshine and explore new things.

“Sometimes the doing nothing together is accomplishing something.  And that something is fighting for our marriage, not letting the world’s distractions and busyness consume us and take over what we cherish most… each other.”

One reason we moved to Nashville last year was because we felt like Jacksonville didn’t have a lot to do. And when we made the decision to move back to Jacksonville, we said we were going to start finding new things to do outside our usual comfort zones and neighborhood.  And that we have done, and been pleasantly surprised how much this city truly has to offer!

Everyone has different love languages, and one that we have in common is Quality Time. It doesn’t always mean being busy together, sometimes it just simply means doing nothing together, side by side, hand in hand. Whether it’s doing nothing laying on the beach not saying a word. Or doing nothing laying on a blanket in a park reading books. Or doing nothing laying on the couch snuggled up watching a good movie. Sometimes the doing nothing together is accomplishing something.  And that something is fighting for our marriage, not letting the world’s distractions and busyness consume us and take over what we cherish most… each other.  We’re determined to not stop dating just because we are married.

And as seen above, “S” days are even better when my precious Rhett can join us!

Another way we fight for our marriage is praying together. I keep a book on my desk called “A Book of Prayers For Couples” that I open throughout the day and pray for Stephen while he’s away at work. And each night he covers us in prayer as we drift off to sleep. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him, hearing how he prayed, and his genuine love for Jesus. While God instructs taking Sundays as a day of rest, we now appreciate it more than ever and we’ve enjoyed turning our days of rest into “S” days.

Do you have traditions with your loved ones? Leave me a comment below and share with me what you love doing together!  And if you are in the North Florida area, what’s something fun you love to do? We’re always searching for new ideas to explore!


About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!

9 thoughts on ““S” DAYS.

  1. Love this post and everything you said is so true. It is so easy to become completely engulfed in our creative lives that we leave no room for “rest”, let alone nurturing in our marriages. I know that I too have had to take a huge step back and restructure how I run my business so that when my hubby is home, I am giving him my attention instead of my never-ending inbox, or my long list of things I “should” be working on. I wouldn’t trade my time with him for anything.

    I’m so glad you are finding cool new spots in Jacksonville! It’s always fun to find new little places that were there all along! Miss you dear friend and I am SO proud of you!! HUGS!

    1. Glad you are starting to rule your inbox instead of letting your inbox rule you sweet friend!! Miss you lots too but glad you are taking time to soak up the important moments in your new marriage!!!

  2. So thankful for your openness, Scarlett 🙂 Reading your blog is always refreshing. My hub and I were just talking about this (in so many ways). We have a habit of getting so caught up in the crazyness of life that we forget that we’re also called to rest. Rest in God’s peace, rest in each other’s company. Stop moving and just be 🙂 Three years ago we moved far away from our families in Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale, and his job calls him on the road (only about 25% of the year, if that, but I feel that is way too much lol)… so when I get him home, we start to try and cram as much stuff in as possible. But I’m realizing that we don’t have to be DOING something for there to be quality in the “being.”

    Thanks again for sharing!

    1. Thank you for your openness in return!!! Definitely, sometimes doing “nothing” together means more than doing “something” busy together! I can only imagine how much more you appreciate him being home now that he’s on the road so much!

  3. I love this post so much! It especially becomes more difficult to make time to date your husband once kid(s) come along, so that’s definitely been a wake up call for us in the last year and a half. Even though raising kids is important if they see us as mom and dad who enjoy spending time together I think that speaks volumes. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I can only imagine how much harder it is with kids to try to schedule date nights or date days! But I totally agree with you that it’s so much needed for your kids to see that example! Thanks girly!!

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