Extraordinary-07As I sit here and edit my photos for next week’s Outfit Of The Week… there’s a part of me that goes “Ahhh, I’ve definitely put on 20 pounds since our wedding day.”  Yet, there’s a bigger part of that goes “So what?  I’m not a size 2 and for the first time in my life, I’m ok with that.”

So much of my 20s, I spent way too much time in the gym, way too much time counting calories, way too much time fasting for all the wrong reasons, way too much energy trying to live up to the magazine covers that as a photographer I knew were mostly photoshopped anyways.  Yet, I was soooooo hard on myself playing the comparison game and thinking I had to look certain a way in order to be accepted in this world.  By peers.  By boys.  By my career.  By… myself.  I fell guilty of the “I’ll be super happy when I reach this number on the scale” mentality.  And you know what, I did reach that number a few times, and really, I wasn’t anymore happy.  I especially wasn’t happy when I got hit with a few thousand dollar medical bill after ending up in the emergency room for foolishly taking diet pills that made my heart race out of control during my mid-20s.  Sure, I lost weight, dangerously, and had to learn that lesson the hard way.  If anything I was more miserable everytime I lost weight because of all the restraints I put on myself to live up to something my body naturally wasn’t.

Around the time our of our wedding, I got down to wearing a size 2, but really, I’ve always been around a size 8 (on a good day!) (eek! Did I just confess that to you?) (Just being real with you here!). And I’ve finally decided in my 30s to embrace my curves.  My mom has them, her mom has them, my dad’s mom had them.  I didn’t come from a family of stick thin people.  I came from a family that genetically has curves and shares its best memories over a good Southern meal.  And instead of fighting my genetics, and my love of food, I’m now telling myself “It’s ok to love food, not hate it.”  I’ve had so many girlfriends in the past that only take 2 bites of their meal to claim “I’m stuffed,” when I know they weren’t. My heart would break for them knowing they were fighting the haunting fight that sadly most women fight inside their heads by determining our value based on a number on the scale.  I always swore I would never be that girl, yet had my moments.  But I’ve finally said enough, and if there’s one thing I learned from my dad’s life being cut too short is that, life is too short to not enjoy a good meal, and a good dessert (preferably a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting!).  Not that we shouldn’t make healthy choices, but I’m talking about the beating yourself down for letting yourself indulge in that dang cookie.  Or cupcake.  Eat the dang cookie, or cupcake, and enjoy it without feeling guilty. And after having ex-boyfriends in the past tell me I needed to lose weight (hence why they are exes), I feel truly blessed to now be married to a man who loves me exactly like I am, a few extra pounds and all.  Everyday he tells me I’m beautiful, and mostly I fight back saying he’s lying because it’s often at times when I look my worst… but I secretly love knowing that I can look my worst and he still loves me anyways.

When I set out to start my boutique, I admit, I had those doubts creep in my head…. “But you’re not model thin like all those other fashion bloggers…. but you’re not a size 2 like on your wedding day…. but you’ll need to lose a few pounds before being able to do something in the fashion world.”  But then I kind of realized, you know what, because I’m not all those things, that’s kind of why I want to do it. I want to prove that true beauty is giving yourself permission to be beautiful exactly for who you are, not trying to be something exactly you aren’t. I want to show you through my clothing in the boutique that no matter what size you are, we can all be fashionable and feel good about who we are, not only the size 2’s of the world.  I want you to wear the clothes and have the confidence to conquer the world, whatever your mission may be. (And a few of you ladies have been giving great feedback that you’d like to see larger sizes available in the boutique!  I’m currently working with my designers to try to make that happen for my next inventory to stock, because I totally agree!)

So who’s with me ready to throw all the pressures we put on ourselves out the door and finally look in the mirror and love who we see?  Yes, cellulite and all.  (wink wink)

I want to see more girls and women stop hating themselves and instead let themselves LOVE exactly who God made you to be.  Because the truth is, you ARE beautiful.  You are are a gorgeous creation from the Creator of the world Himself.  Every freckle is there for a reason as part of his intricate design.  It’s ok to look in the mirror and give Him a big “Good job!” high five instead of dread and disgust and falling for the lies of the enemy that he loves to put in our head never feeling good enough.  You are loved and you are beautiful exactly as you are. Embrace it. The world needs you to let your light shine. So shine on girl!

Above is a sneak peek at my next Outfit Of The Week!  I’m wearing my absolute favorite item in my boutique, the Floral Ribbon Jacket with Pearl Beaded Collar.  Ahhhh, it’s so cozy and makes me feel like a classy lady and so worth the splurge, I promise.  It’s been keeping this born and bred Florida girl nice and warm on these new cold Nashville streets. Check back next week for that post to see how I wore it!

In the meantime….. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!  I am thankful for YOU and all the loving support you gave me with the debut of my new online boutique this week. I’m just a girl chasing a new dream and I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for your friendship, and your love.  I pray you have a blessed Thanksgiving with lots of family, friends and food.  Remember… enjoy the dang dessert.



About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!

21 thoughts on “I’M NOT A SIZE 2 & I’M OK WITH THAT.

  1. Love this so, so much and I can certainly relate. There is so much freedom in letting go of the often unrealistic expectations we make (and others make) for ourselves. I’m daily learning to give myself plenty of grace, as I learn to love my “new” postpartum body. It’s oh-so-hard but I just remember that God blessed me with the ability to sustain (and continue sustaining) a human being…with my body! Sorry for the long comment, I just really felt like this post spoke to me. Thanks for sharing your heart. 🙂
    And YOU are beautiful!!

    1. I love the long comment! Thank YOU for sharing your heart in return Urban! I’m so glad you are learning to give your motherhood body a lot more grace! 🙂

  2. Kudos to you for leading the charge against the stronghold that captures so many women – that is – defining ourselves and our worth by the number we see on the scale. It is a terrible prison that robs us of joy in living. We are so much more than our physical bodies. We are each different blueprints of God’s love and that is always something beautiful. I try to remember – “beauty is as beauty does.” There are alot of “pretty people” out there who do not act pretty. This is why I think you are such a lovely role model – beautiful from the inside out. You reach out to girlfriends everywhere in the world with a message of compassion and wisdom from the struggle and the victory of loving yourself for exactly who you are. We think “if she can I can too!” And now, with your boutique, you inspire us with incredibly fun and fashionable ideas to express ourselves and say “here I am world!” On behalf of women all sizes…all ages…all colors…….thank you Scarlett Lillian – for reminding us the joy of femininity is every woman’s gift to be enjoyed by all.

  3. OMG, Scarlett!!! I ADORE YOU!

    Please tell me you offer personal styling consultations!? I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE! I just can’t seem to release my inner fabulousness. 🙁 With your mentoring maybe???

    I’m actually just so jealous. I want your life! You have the career, the style, the man (SWOON!). Ugh, you’re amazing. AMAZING!

    Love, Monique. xo

    1. LOL Monique, I can’t tell I already adore you too! Thanks for the sweet words! I’m actually thinking of starting a Q&A thing here on the blog for styling tips/mentoring. I’m going to collect questions from my FB page, so be sure to go leave a question or two over there that I can start composing some blog posts for!! Click here to leave your question!

  4. Love this post! I totally agree with you. In our 20s we spend so much time working out just to be thin. Now, in our 30s, I work out to be HEALTHY. It’s amazing how our perspective changes as we grow. Love love love this post.

  5. Scarlett, thanks for blogging about this! Like you, I’m learning the beauty of letting go when it comes to food, and, though I may still sometimes feel “gross” about a big calorie choice, it’s the guilt and the lies about true beauty that are really the problem for me (and many women!). I’m glad I have friends like you who are reminding me to see the beauty that Christ sees in us as His daughters – even when the number on the scale is higher than it was =) You are a rock star, Scarlett, and I’m so excited to see your (even bigger!) foray into fashion unfold!! xox

    1. Girl, you are amazing. I’m only as strong as my girlfriends I surround myself with… and I’m so thankful the Lord allowed our paths to cross! You have a true beauty from the inside out that allows others in your presence to feel at such ease and comfort to be their best self, and that being your love for Christ first and foremost. Keep your eyes focused on His reflection, (and Jonathan’s!), not the mirror or the scale. 🙂

  6. Thank you dearly for sharing and encouraging us with this post. Your words ring true and reassures our thinking about loving ourselves EXACTLY the way God does! It warms my heart to see what God has done and continues to do in your life, since your videographer days (where we first met). Be blessed and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  7. I think it’s great that you are happy with yourself and trying to encourage others to do so as well. It’s a fitting post since you have just opened a boutique. I just don’t understand, first, why, if this is such an important issue to you that you initially only were stocking small, medium and large sizes. Secondly, now that you are carrying a larger array of sizes, I don’t understand why you classify XL as “plus size”. In what world in XL plus sized? Not even in the department stores and boutiques that cater to the smaller sizes is XL a plus size. Why not just make it “here are the sizes I carry in X item”? If it is so important for people to embrace themselves, no matter what size they are, why separate and classify regular vs. plus? It’s kind of insulting to the people who wear something other than small, medium or large.

    1. Melissa, thank you for your feedback. I’m still new to the boutique business, and appreciate all the feedback from everyone to help cater things best for everyone! The thing that is tricky about having a boutique vs being the designer myself is the lack of control I have on what sizes come in the pieces provided by the designers. In finding inventory, designers are limited in what they carry. Most of the designers only provide Small, Medium, Large, and nothing above or below. And to find anything XL or above, I have to seek out all different designers who do unfortunately categorized XL and above as “plus size”. So the initial pieces I carried were in S M L sizes as I started with a smaller inventory since I am putting up all the initial investment myself to stock inventory. Then girls reached out to me asking if I could provide what they called themselves “plus size” pieces for them… so I began the search trying to find cute items in that category. I completely agree with you, I hate the label “plus size,” and I hate how it is used to describe what is a normal size for most women in this world. Even at a size 8 myself, the fashion world considers that “full figured”. It’s dumb. And I only named that category that because from girl’s feedback, they said they had a hard time finding cute fashionable pieces to accommodate their size, so I wanted them to be able to find it easily on my boutique site, rather than go through each of the other pieces and be disappointed in not finding their size available. I did debate whether even making it a separate category, because I really didn’t want to, but I only had good intentions of helping them find things quickly in their size. I never meant to offend anyone by making it separate. Can you help me think of a better word to use other than “plus size” to help girls easily find their appropriate size? It’s funny, on the other end of spectrum, I had other girls asking if the new bigger sized items came in a smaller size because they loved the style of the items too, and likewise, I didn’t want them to be frustrated looking at a piece that wasn’t available in their size which is also what lead to the separate labeling of the category. I wish I could accommodate everyone, and I’m trying my best to do so! Thanks Melissa!

  8. As a “plus size” girl myself, I thought I would chime in here a little bit 🙂 I wear a size 12 in dresses right now, but a year ago at this time I was a size 24. I considered myself plus size then, and I still do. When I search for something online to wear, I google “women’s plus size clothing”. Although we are taught to embrace our curves, we have to realize that our clothes aren’t in the same departments as the average girl. When we go in retail stores, there are departments for regular sizes, and another department for plus sizes. I don’t think it should be any differently here. I don’t want to spend my time at looking at tons of cute clothes that aren’t my size. I would rather have it labeled “plus size” so I know exactly where to go 🙂 I sat and thought about what else you could call it, but outside of “fabulously curvy”, I honestly can’t think of anything else. And people aren’t going to know to google fabulously curvy for clothes haha.

    1. Thank you sooooo much for your feedback Mallory. It great to hear both sides of the concern that Melissa mentioned above. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on a sensitive subject. I definitely agree it’s dumb how segregated all the different departments are. Sigh… Thanks for the tip to change it to Fabulously Curvy… done! 🙂

  9. What a fab and honest post Scarlett, love it! It’s so true that we make it just too hard on ourselves as women. Next time we meet up, let’s enjoy that red velvet cupcake (my fave aswell) together

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