
Hi friend!  I know I’ve been out of touch lately.  I’ve been kind of quiet here on the blog lately, but for a good reason.  Of course there was all the distractions of the move and trying to get our new home settled and figure out where all the modern day conveniences of grocery stores, Target and Lowes are.  But also…. also… as we now start from scratch in a brand new town, Stephen and I have been having a lot of long talks about what else we need to start from scratch on.  What’s working, what’s not working, what do we need to let go of, what new directions do we need to take.  Business wise, are we still passionate about what we are doing?  Or are there other dreams still stirring inside of us that we need to give birth to?

Then my Momma came into town to see our new home and our new surroundings… and even more long talks came out.  There’s nothing like a good talk with your Momma to get you to finally to admit some things you don’t like to admit to yourself.  Things like “I’m not happy doing this… I dream of doing that… I feel like there’s something more out there… I feel like it might be this…”  We stayed up late, solving all the worlds problems as we often joke, and did a lot of soul searching.

Just the week before I had been praying to God for clarity of “what’s next?”  It’s been this constant unsettled stirring in my heart this past year, and just feeling like there is something more… something in addition to photography… a constant battle trying to figure that out.  So then I had the late night talks with Momma… and while she always gives me a dose of courage to tackle that next big thing, I still wanted more confirmation that this was the next thing God and I were going to tackle together.

Then I kid you not… I tucked Momma in bed, went to my office to shut down my laptop, and sitting there was an email.  That very thing I had just been talking to momma about… someone I had never met before, yet a Facebook friend, emailed me randomly saying she could see me doing that very exact thing I had just been secretly talking to my Momma about.

I just looked up and said “Ok God… loud and clear… LOUD AND CLEAR… this is yours… give me the courage and strength to do it.”

So here I am…. taking those baby steps toward it.  My goal is to launch it and reveal it to you by Black Friday.  And I’m typing this to put it out there so I hold myself accountable to actually make it happen. I’m starting a mailing list for those who want to be the first to find out.  Sign up below to get all the scoop first!

Here’s me taking that risk and jumping…. Thanks for holding my hand!  Any guesses on what the next thing might be?  wink wink


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Ok, so the weekend wasn’t all long talks with Momma.  We had to grab a few #OOTD shots too! Afterall, she is the one who always taught me it’s better to be overdressed than underdressed.  



About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!

One thought on “MOMMA KNOWS BEST.

  1. So excited for you friend! I’m going to say something in the realm of motivational speaking, marketing, or teaching….topics being faith, fashion, all things girly! But who knows:!?!? Can’t wait to find out!

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