
Last week, a dear friend sent me a text message asking if I was going to be around home the next few days.  My eyebrow raised as I texted back a “Yes, why?”  I was secretly hoping she would surprise me with a visit from Georgia, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.  However, I discovered a few days later she sent the next best thing… a surprise for my belly!  It was a huge box of macaroons from a place I have apparently been missing out on my bakery radar, Dana’s Bakery.  As I opened the box and read her sweet words in the note, all I could think was, it’s takes such simple effort to do a random act of kindness for somebody.  I got to thinking about all the little things that go a long way to brighten someone’s day and wanted to share them with you… I challenge you to pick one and do it today.  Because you can.  And it’s so easy.  Do it.  Now.  🙂

7 Acts of Kindness You Can Do Today

1.  Write a sweet message on someone’s Facebook wall.  I mean.  Really.  How hard is that to say hi to your college roommate you’ve been meaning to catch up with?

2.  Send them cupcakes or macaroon’s. Apparently it’s easier than I thought through places like Dana’s Bakery.

3.  Pay for the coffee or hamburger for the person behind you in the fast food line.  You never know, that person behind you could have lost their job yesterday.

4.  Make your neighbors cookies for no reason at all. When was the last time you checked in just to say hi and not ask for a cup of sugar?

5.  Call that friend you keep meaning to catch up with.  Like, really call.  Not text.

6. Write a message on a sticky note and leave it in an unexpected place for your loved one.  Handwritten means so much more than typed.

7.  Send your mom a card.  She needs acts of kindness from you too.


About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!


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