Extraordinary-05Remember the days before email and blogs and Facebook and texting, and you would go to the mailbox and open it up to receive handwritten letters from people?  When was the last time you received that?  Or when was the last time you sent that?  For me, it’s been longer than I can remember.  I have one girlfriend who refuses to add text messaging to her cell phone plan, and instead she sends cards with long handwritten messages.

And I love that.

I know every time I see something in the mail from her, even if it’s once a year, that it always makes my day.  Why?  Because I know that she took a few minutes out of her day to think about me enough to take action to write out thoughts from her heart.

I want to be more like that.

Yet, life gets in the way.  I get busy.  Work has it’s demands.  Work travels exhaust me.  My dog needs to be fed.  My mom needs mother/daughter time.  The house needs to be cleaned.  The laundry is piling up in addition to the excuses.  And handwritten letters don’t get written.

But I’m on a mission to change that.  And I challenge you to join me on that mission.  Today I’m going to stop and write a handwritten letter to somebody out of the blue to simply tell them that I love them.  Who can you stop for a few minutes to show that you care?  It doesn’t have to be long.  It can just be a quick little note in a quick little envelope with a quick little stamp and a quick little walk to the mailbox.  Don’t let time fly and the excuses pile up because your words just might be the exact healing words they needed to hear that day to know that they aren’t alone on the journey.  That they are loved.  And that you love them enough to take time out of their day to show them that love.  They are worth it.  And your laundry can wait.

Before finishing this blog entry, I just walked to my mailbox and put something in the mail.  Now it’s your turn.  🙂

