
Recently, we had one of our favorite husband and wife friends come stay with us.  After dinner, my friend went outside to talk on the phone, and came back inside in tears.  My immediate reaction was that she must have heard bad news.  But instead, her response was that it was just hitting her hard all of a sudden how overwhelmed she was at the moment with all of life’s changes swirling around her.  My heart sank for her and I gave her a big hug and did my best to remind her that sometimes God needs to shatter things completely to completely rebuild it into a new creation.

Later that night, at midnight on a Friday night, something business related came up out of the blue that occurred and stressed me out.  And really, it wasn’t just that one thing that stressed me out, it had been a lot of things adding up that were stressing me out.  Then as Stephen and I headed to bed, I completely broke down in tears.  I cried simply because I feel… overwhelmed.

I feel like I’m in a season of being overwhelmingly busy. “That’s good to hear you’re busy” is what we constantly hear as if “busy” equals happiness, or equals success, or equals financial gain, or equals life’s satisfaction.  When really, being busy to me equals stressed, neglecting the gym, not eating right, more airplanes, more uncomfortable hotel beds, breaking out, tears, deadlines, neglecting quiet time, showering less, and all the unglamorous things people don’t realize goes on beyond “That’s good to hear you’re busy.”  When did life get too busy to enjoy life?

My unconscious goal for 2013 has been to simplify life.

To become less busy.

To create normal business hours.

To unsubscribe from unnecessary emails I only delete.

To take time to read more books than social media.

To spend more time with my husband not talking about work.

To laugh more with my dog.

To take bike rides around the neighborhood as the sun goes down.

Some of these I’m accomplishing, most of them I’m not.  In these kinds of seasons of life I cling to:

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Now if I can just figure out how to under-whelm and be still more often.

Then I’ll officially be Superwoman.

Tell me, have you accomplished your Superwoman status yet?  How do you juggle it all?


About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!


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