Extraordinary-01Somehow over the years, email has consumed my life, and lately I’ve been taking steps to stop that.  The first step: clicking UNSUBSCRIBE from so much clutter.  I’ve literally been unsubscribing from almost every new email that hits my inbox unless it’s from a client or a personal friend.  Why do I need to see everyday from Bed Bath and Beyond that I have a 20% coupon waiting for me?  Whenever I get around to actually going to BB&B, I’ll look up my coupon then.  Why do I need to see everyday that Express is offering ANOTHER “spend so much, and get so much off” sale?  I try as much as possible to not spend money just to save money.  And if Pinterest sends me one more “Here’s some things you might like” email, when if I wanted to go see things I might like, I would just log in the first place… but I would prefer to keep my hours in the day off Pinterest unless I’m looking for a specific inspiration about something.  And industry related stuff.  I’m just plain tired of being trying to be sold to, so those emails are getting unsubscribed from.

It’s been exciting to see less email hit my inbox.  It’s almost like I can breathe again with all the less clutter to delete and consume my already overloaded congested brain.  Now if I could do the same for my snail mail and all the wasted paper and catalogs that go straight to the recycle bin.

What things in your inbox do you need to start unsubscribing from?  You know you’re long overdue to clear the clutter.

Below, Rhett definitely gets a little tired of me being so consumed in email, that’s for sure.

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About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!


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