
One thing I struggle with a lot is doubting myself.  Such as starting this new blog this week, the nervous part of my gut told me, “Oh gosh, does anyone still care about what I write, am I just wasting my time?”  At the same time, I’ve always considered myself a risk taker, yet those risks don’t come without their fair share of doubts.  With each new crazy idea I’ve tried to carry out, or get the guts to believe it just might succeed, I am instantly attacked by the all the “what ifs” attached.  What if I fail?  What if my prayer doesn’t get answered? What if I try and end up looking like a fool?  What if I’m not making the right decision?  What if?  What if?  What if?

Are you in that place where you are feeling in the depths of your heart that God is calling you to try something so extraordinary that you know it could only be Him calling you to do it?  Are you stopping yourself from moving forward because of the doubts that cloud your head?  Are you just darn afraid to take that risk?  That next step?  That challenge to spill your heart into the fear of the great unknown?

Here’s a few life lessons I’ve learned along the way that I hope can encourage you to move forward with doing the extraordinary.


  1. God calls the ordinary.  If all you are hearing in your ear is “Who am I to do something like that?”, then that is not God’s truth.  God says “You can” (Phil 4:13).  God says “I have called you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24)  God says  “I have equipped you.” (Exodus 4:13-13-17)   God says “You are my child”. (3 John 1:4) God says “Be strong.”  (Joshua 1:9)
  2. Sure you might fail, but you just might succeed.  One of the greatest gifts my dad left me before he left this earth, was the gift to overcome fears of failure.  I love to share the story of when I went to him with a crazy business idea, and explained to him all my fears of failure surrounding it.  And in his fatherly wisdom way, he simply responded “Sure… you might fail…. but you just might succeed.”  In that moment I suddenly realized I was actually more afraid of succeeding, not failure, because if I wanted to succeed so much, what was stopping me from moving toward that?
  3. Get yourself a cheer squad.  I would not be the person I was today if it weren’t for my mom always reminding me to dream big, and that anything was possible.  I also wouldn’t have the confidence I have today without my husband constantly reminding me to look at the glass half full instead of the emptiness I naturally see and fight against everyday.  And I certainly wouldn’t be as strong in my faith, not only in God, but also in myself, to go after great risks without loving friends who surround me in prayer and a big YOU CAN DO IT turned to a celebration of WOO HOO when it actually happens.  I need my cheer squad.  I need to be able to lean on their faith in me when I am lacking faith in myself.  You need it too.  Who are 5 people you can reach out to to ask them to stand in the gap of your faith?
  4. Replace the negative with positive.  So often the enemy (usually in the form of critics here on earth) tries to fill my head with negativity that have nothing to do with the path that God has me on.  Yet, the enemy is passionate about trying to steer me off that path… and he knows how to do it by attacking my thoughts first.  I once read a book by Joyce Meyer called “Battle of the Mind” that I highly recommend, and that’s the bottom line.  Our mind is a battlefield where spiritual warfare happens.  If Satan can get us to doubt in our thoughts, to dwell on negative lies, to stop reading God’s truth… then he WINS.  We must must must stay ingrained in God’s word so that we can counterbalance the negative thoughts that repeat in our head.
  5. Live a life of “I did that!” instead of “What If?”  Though it might seem like a long time from now, picture your end days.  When you look back on your life, do you want to say “Wow, I had a fulfilling life,” or “Man, I regret not doing more of the things I always wanted to do.”  Choose to live a life that has more to list of things you experienced or accomplished rather than a regret list of things you wanted to do.  One thing I started recently was composing a list in my iPhone notes called “TO DO/DONE”.  In the TO DO section, I have a list of things I would still like to try.  It’s not always business related, it’s mostly personal.  It’s practical things to aim for like “Watch a drive-in movie” all the way to crazy big ideas like “Own a kangaroo.”  Then, I got started on my DONE list, and as I really thought more and more about all the cool things I have done in life, that list far exceeded my TO DO list.  On days I feel like my life is so boring, or I’m feeling down and not content or consumed with doubt, I like to look at my DONE list and realize, “I’m so glad I did that!” instead of always wondering “What if?”  I never imagined I would see the Sydney Opera House, or scuba dive, or stand on the top of the tallest mountain in Switzerland, or swam in a waterfall, or write a book, or hold a blue butterfly.  But I did.  They all started as a “what if” that I’m so glad I didn’t let doubt keep it as that.  What things need to be on your DONE list that you are letting “What if?” hold you back from accomplishing?

If you haven’t seen it yet, I have a page here on the blog dedicated to providing you inspirational quotes I love that I’ve designed to make it easy to grab and share and Pin!  Here’s an example one, with many more by clicking here!  I thought this one below goes along with today’s post perfectly!  Enjoy!



About Scarlett Lillian

Hello Gorgeous! Thank you sooooo much for being here! Truly, it means the world to me that you took time from your day to stop by for a visit. I love reading your comments and getting to know your heart in return, so be sure to let me know you were here! I look forward to chatting more with you below!


  1. I love this! I am defiantly feeling as if God is tugging on my heart, and all I can do is surrender. Praying for you as you start your new blog, and i am thankful for the info you have posted this morning. The encouragement is much needed! xoxo amanda

    1. Amanda, I’m so glad this post came at a good timing for you! 🙂 Keep surrendering… He’ll lead you to whatever He’s tugging on your heart to do!

  2. I’m turning 28 in less than a week and am still waiting to hear what God has called me to do! When I was younger I thought and dreamed that by the time I turned 30 I would have my dream job, dream husband, the white picket fence, perfect house and beautiful children to love. My life is nothing at all like that dream I once dreamed when I was younger and still dream today. I know God has a special plan for my life and I’m ready to know his plan! I really need to read the book “Battle of the Mind” because so often the enemy steps in, brings me down and I lose focus! Thank you for sharing your life lessons today! I feel encouraged to move forward with doing the extraordinary! 🙂

    1. Jen, I wish I could tell you it gets easier, but honestly, it doesn’t. Every day I’m still questioning if I’m doing what God really wants me to do. I think the greatest key to peace is learning to let go of expectations. My life has also turned out completely different than I ever imagined it would be, and I’ve learned the hard way that it’s not about MY ways, but about God’s ways… He knows the bigger picture and has a purpose for it all. But if it can be any encouragement to you, I was in the same place you are in turning 28. Then at 30, I finally got to walk the aisle to my dream husband… so don’t give up hope! Yours is on the way and there IS a purpose in the waiting as you’ll be able to look back one day and see. 🙂

  3. Most excellent blog today! My “boo” is back and doing what she does best – writing from her heart and giving us all just enough light for the step we are on! Keep going……keep writing……keep inspiring us……..keep giving us hope.

    This is what you were meant to do.

  4. See! I NEEDED this today, so you are clearly on the right track with your blog! So glad to know you and benefit from your many blessings.

  5. Hi Scarlett,

    Thank you so much for posting this. This is very true! I am glad that you are going as you say/feel “back to your roots”.. no other root than the root of Jessie! 🙂 I am thinking about big things too right now.. and I have realized that as spontaneous as I am and as adventurous as I like to think that I am, when it comes to risks.. whoo.. they can get to me so bad that I am tempted to stop right in my tracks. But that is not God’s way.. He Is not pleased with those who shrink back.. and I believe that HE is calling us to do great things for Him! Thanks for writing.. very timely word! And God bless you too sister!!!!!!

    Sarah Lopez

  6. Sarah, how amazing is the timing of all that? I love seeing when God orchestrates that. Yes, I totally agree that He is not pleased when we shrink back! You were meant to bloom and shine!

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